Crowdfunding since 2010

We realize the first communal market without packaging and support 'on the side' things local, seasonal, cultural and innovative.

A whole market hall full of unpacked produce and a cultural melting-pot! Become part of our concept that aims to bring package-free shopping and the zero waste lifestyle to all parts of the population and the catering trade. Discover products of small, local farms and support us in offering affordable space for new products to young companies with innovative ideas. Appelhoff & Botterfatt! -Market for unpackaged and cultural goods! The market hall for all your senses.
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Funding period
6/29/17 - 9/30/17
4. Q. 2017 - 2. Q 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
35,000 €
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What is this project all about?

First, in short:

Appelhoff & Botterfatt will connect package-free shopping and culture with the support of young companies and small, local farms.

To reach that aim, the concept of packaging-free shops, already quite established, will be transferred to a whole market.
Fresh produce will be sold through multiway locks, successfully introduced in pilots, to maintain the necessary hygiene.

A regular farmers' market will be introduced, with varying operators. This gives the greatest possible freedom to vendors and keeps their staffing cost down. Smaller vendors from the region will be provided with ready-made stands. That way they only need to supply their products.
The concept of varying spaces, or pop-up-solutions, will also be offered to young companies with new ideas.
Naturally, we will also realize catering projects. And, thanks to mobile market stalls, there will be a lot of space for a range of cultural events.

Now, in full ;-)

We want to help stopping the growing plastic swirls in our oceans. We want to achieve that waste shall largely be avoided and products be more appreciated, combating food waste. The first market for unpacked products can make you experience artisanship and learn more about the origin of our foods.
More than that: Our project connects like-thinking people in a wonderful way.

If you not only want to buy affordable quality products and actively relieve the environment, but also to assume responsibility for your neighbourhood and your region, this is definitely your project.
Away from anonymity, towards participation, caring and sharing.

Everyone has a chance! Everyone is responsible! Everyone has the opportunity!

Natural, local products without packaging - when shopping is not a chore but an experience!

Apart from the household goods, you will discover also pop-up stores with new and fresh ideas and products, catering and rare items.
Naturally, all of it unpacked, because we are specially committed to avoid unnecessary waste and packaging.

Join in and support us in making the world a little bit better. Sometimes it is the small things that count.

It is very simple and to many already known: The foodstuffs (and other products) are kept in so-called bulk bins. From these bins you can fill a certain amount - exactly what you require at the time - into a container of your own you brought from home. But if you haven't brought one or make a spur-of-the moment visit, there's no problem. Borrow a container or use one of the recyclable paper bags.
Take the opportunity! Enter an unpacked world full of enjoyable moments which makes you experience artisanship and get to know the producers personally.
Appelhoff & Botterfatt will become a platform for organic companies and small farms in the region. A platform that aims to offer a closed-circuit system. No foodstuff is going to waste! You will find catering companies there that prepare dishes from the range of foods available-without causing unnecessary waste.

Markthalle for Hamburg- a zero waste project

We want to create a zero waste hub! A place where you can do your daily, unpacked shopping - and a place that gives young companies and interested individuals the chance to discover new products and to actively take part in the crafting process. An experience and an event market by the store-in-store principle with pop-up-spaces, theme areas from foods to sustainable clothing and fair technology.
We want to create maker hubs to enable participation in the manual processes, the roasting of coffee, the milling of grain and the baking of bread. To participate, to learn and with the chance to present products of your own.
The first zero-waste market hall ever will be a melting pot for social and cultural events, for lively conversation and the exchange of ideas around a wide table.
Each purchase is a choice for or against something. The power is yours!

Appelhoff & Botterfatt stands for idealism and contemporary values - for a growing community of people who think sustainably and seek information about alternative economic or social models and want to live accordingly. Support us in avoiding packaging and food waste! Everything is organic. Ideally, also without plastic. Sustainable from the energy provision to the banking.
And there is a social aspect!
It is planned to donate a percentage from the revenue to social or ecological projects. The choice among these shall be yours! We will regularly keep you updated about amounts donated and projects supported, accompanying the latter.
A long-term goal could be the integration of homeless people or refugees who could find work here and profit in a permanent way from training and having employment liable to social security contributions.

And again, in short: For whom?

  • For you, for us - as consumers and as people thinking about the future.
  • For small farms coming from the region
  • For young businesses with great, sustainable concepts and a demand for affordable presentation spaces

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Appelhoff & Botterfatt aim to optimize package-free shopping and want to offer the most environmentally friendly food supply possible. For this reason, we want to cooperate mainly with local suppliers and keep transport routes short.

If you want to support local farming in a sustainable way, buying at a direct marketer is best.
There already are some farm shops in and around Hamburg and we advocate shopping from them strongly-so we're going to act in cooperation with the existant shops and markets. Together we're stronger!
You as customers can only avoid unnecessary food transports when local and seasonal goods are in demand.
By focusing on local, organic and also seasonal foods, we will be able to promote domestic farming and local economic power. This will create transparency regarding the production and the origin of goods.

The project has a high profile to others.
The zero-waste movement will be actively supported!

More than that, with this market place a melting pot shall emerge for the exchange of ideas and for social and cultural projects.
We want to create a place where people can get together, philosophize and feel a sense of well-being.
Of course there will also be an integrated supermarket with unpacked products where you can shop for daily needs. From amaranth cereal to cosmetics and zinc ointment.

With Appelhoff & Botterfatt, we together can:

  • promote small and local farming
  • offer affordable pop-up-spaces to new ideas and young companies
  • reduce useless packaging
  • avoid plastic
  • shop requirement-orientated and save money
  • waste less food

At the base of it is the question how the total energy balance of products on offer can constitute the smallest possible ecological footprint,
without entirely avoiding products that are not local or only seasonally so (like tomatoes, citrus, various sorts of salad).
A possible future solution could be greenhouse concepts for the cultivation of such products (from Vertical Farming to aquaponics).

And who shall become the target group?

As many people as possible should be involved. Package-free shopping and the appreciation of local, quality products should be available to all. For us and for you!
You have a high affinity to organically-produced foods, advocate a sustainable lifestyle and want to eat healthy? This is good!
You are open for new consumer concepts, like unpackaged shopping? This is perfect!
You like shopping on the farmers' market, but lack time to do so? Now you are close!!
The new zero-waste market should also be a place for families or for people who have to be a little cautious with their money. We are thinking up the solutions to make this work.

Why would you support this project?

Let's think big for a moment: We want to save the world together.
It is not only the unnecessary packaging, it is our whole lifestyle that harms the planet.
The reduction of packaging, the support of small and local producers and spaces offered to present other innovative and sustainable ideas and solutions are small, but very important steps in the right direction.

When you make a decision for this project, you will contribute actively to the reduction of food waste and the creation a waste-free world. You will also help to make requirement-orientated shopping possible for everyone.

With your support, we will make the world a little bit better!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Thanks to your support, we will be able to carry out many preliminary tasks. Cash register systems, refrigeration, inventory and the design of areas are cost-intensive measures
We will also need to build an efficient team.

The concept provides that a part of the market hall space shall be leased to catering and other companies. So your funding will be used for designing the area for the package-free shopping, for specially developed ready-made solutions for the pop-up-areas and the market stands for smaller farms and businesses. We want to create an environment which is especially supportive for the smaller partners in the market areas.

Naturally, there are also banks involved; other investors also can take part in the project.

At he moment, we are talking to many property owners and brokers and have established contact to relevant bodies to find the ideal, soon-to-be ready site. You will find many of these sites presented on Facebook. That way, you will become part of the decision.
If we, with your help, exceed our funding goal, we could implement additional measures that would make package-free living still easier.
The more we can generate with your crowdfunding, the more independent we are, the better our negotiating position and the more goes into designing the market hall.
With your support, we already can begin! We can sign contracts, give commissions for builders and order inventory.
And in the future?
We want to establish a completely new, package-free delivery service and to program an app that conveniently handles your orders from home or away.

Who are the people behind the project?

The team consists of many people working in the background who supported the project in a material and non-material way during the previous months, still doing so. A selection of these people are introduced on the 'Marktkomplizen' page, which of course also is on Facebook.

The 'Marktkomplizen' (partners in crime) are all those who have contributed, materially and non-materially, to the project in the past few months.
In particular, I want to thank Simone Rongen for a number of texts and the greatest part of the proofreading, Charlene Fuchs, who gives beside her work for Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd much thought and input to the project.
Anne Köhler and vegenet GmbH for the translation of our texts into English and the graphical input, all authorities and private persons that issued filming permissions in and around Hamburg, and many, many people from my personal circle who have helped the project, the concept and me in several ways. I also want to thank Svenja for the second proofreading, Julia and Olaf Staron for the chance to plan several events in the Kukuun Club.
I thank Jannes Vahl for lending his ear, long conversations and gratefully mention Clubkinder as a partner.
I am very thankful for all those people who have supported the project in the past months. Happily, their number is still increasing. There are private individuals but also logo designers like Andrea Dräger, legal advisors, a really good tax consultant and new contacts from the media sector and the catering trade. A special thank you to the traveller and aspiring director of documentaries Hannah Wolny and the camera operator Nicolas Jansky, who made this great crowdfunding film possible and of course also to Klangboutique, which supplied the great musical backdrop.
Wonderful pictures were shot by the wonderful Christopher Koch. Other pictures are stock photos from Fotolia/Adobe Stock. The licences are cited in the masthead.

Special thanks also to an apple farm from the Alte Land and a Demeter company right at the outskirts of Hamburg for giving us an opportunity to get great film footage. (Lest we assume a direct association with the project, we forgo mentioning their name, according to their wishes. And it will cause less confusion).

I thank Stephan, Sarah-Lisa, Frank, Henning, Tina, Sandra, Olimpia, Björn, Max, Stefan, Sabrina and many more.
A special thank you also goes to Tobi from Yeah Yeah Yeah Studios. (You had a hard time with these water damages-I feel you).
Not to forget Lesley Farsifa, Nici Podlech, Beate and the prospective partners in course of the crowdfunding.
With us from the start and burning for the concept, as well as being responsible for many of the recorded texts and teasers is Viktor Hacker, comedian, dubbing artist, voice-over speaker and much more.
Naturally, I thank Bettina Preuschoff, Pilatesstudio Alsterdorf, Kevin Murphy, the Singing Hairdresser and Eve Champagne, as well as the Olivia Jones Bar.
My warm thanks to Antje, Charlene und Niko for being available as additional media contacts at the crowdfunding launch party.
And of course a big thank you to all 'Unverpackt'-shops.
Greetings to Kiel and Vienna!
The initiator is Andreas Achtziger, who is actually the head of a consulting business for e-commerce. This has much do do with IT and logistics, but even more with the actors who shall be led into another future in a cooperative way.
More about the reasons to enter a new field of work can be found on a blog entry on the project site.
This project was influenced by impressions from Vienna, Copenhague, London, Oslo, Warsaw and Budapest. And if you read this carefully, you will also discover input from Berlin and Bremen.
The future is unpacked!

Appelhoff & Botterfatt -Marktkomplizen

The crowdfunding project was not successful and can no longer be supported.

  • All orders and payments have been automatically cancelled and reversed.
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editraxx GmbH & Co. KG
Andreas Achtziger
Sülldorfer Landstr. 1a
22589 Hamburg Deutschland

Appelhoff & Botterfatt ist ein Zero-Waste Projekt der editraxx GmbH & Co. KG
eingetragene Marke DPMA RN 302016231702
Telefon 040 60941992-0
Elbe Executive Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH

8/23/17 - Liebe Crowd, anlässlich der Unterstützung des...

Liebe Crowd,

anlässlich der Unterstützung des Fernsehkochs Fabio Haebel wurde das Crowdfunding bis 30.9. verlängert.

Wir beide haben den Wunsch, eine nachhaltige Markthalle in Hamburg zu errichten.
Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist eine Kombination aus ständigem Wochenmarkt und verpackungsfreien Supermarkt.
Das Sortiment soll überwiegend aus ökologischer Erzeugung stammen.
Neben Marktständen und Gastronomie soll ein verpackungsloses Vollsortiment auch Trockenwaren und Drogerieprodukte beinhalten.



Das kukuun ist nicht nur ein wunderbarer Ort, um gepflegte Getränke zu genießen, Konzerte, Theater, Shows oder Poetry Slams zu erleben oder gar Parties zu feiern. Wir haben sieben Tage die Woche für euch geöffnet.

die Umweltdruckerei

dieUmweltDruckerei hat den Anspruch eines ganzheitlichen Nachhaltigkeitsansatzes. Das heißt, wir streben danach, sämtliche Bereiche der wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit als integrierte Strategie umzusetzen.

clubkinder e.V.

Die clubkinder sind ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der Spenden für soziale Projekte in Hamburg sammelt und soziale und kulturelle Projekte kuratiert.

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Hamburg's first communal market with zero waste!
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