Crowdfunding since 2010

"Poem - can you dance a poem?" The Junior Ballet Frankfurt wants to combine dance with music and poetry.

"Poem - can you dance a poem?" The Junior Ballet Frankfurt wants to combine dance with music and poetry to create a new experience for dancers and audience.
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Funding period
2/1/18 - 2/28/18
March-December 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 20,000 €

Das Crowdfunding für dieses Projekt soll die Tanzproduktion "Poem“ teilweise finanzieren.

Frankfurt am Main
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168 Supporter

Людмила Дмитриева
Людмила Дмитриева
Anna Pichugina
Anna Pichugina
Max Domnick
Max Domnick
Marlena Ostrowska
Marlena Ostrowska
Amelia Grzywińska
Amelia Grzywińska
Simon Hessenmüller
Simon Hessenmüller
Miloslav Kolomaznik
Miloslav Kolomaznik
tatiana mikhailopoulo
tatiana mikhailopoulo
Marina Buzina
Marina Buzina
Olga Harvey
Olga Harvey
Claudia Artner
Claudia Artner
Natalia Kozyreva
Natalia Kozyreva
anonymous supports: 32

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Poem - Poetry meets Movement

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