Use our channels for your inquiries
We highly recommend our public Office Hour to be the frist place for your topics concerning the platform usage itself. You'll find us there in person via zoom on a daily basis.
You have or would like to support a project? Are you waiting for a reward or updates? Contact the project directly, as the Startnext team cannot make any statements for the project.
Write a direct message
Write an email
On the project pages, under the project description, you will find the imprint with the contact email.
Write a public message
You'll find the wall on the projects page. You need to be logged in, in order to write a comment.
Almost all users have similar questions. Startnext also has an FAQ for this purpose, which is available to you at any time. So before you make a request, please aks our Chatbot first hand, because he is trained with the FAQ and much more.
The FAQ answers typical questions such as:
You have something on your mind that you want to tell the Startnext team directly, but the Office Hour is not the right place for it, then contact us via support ticket. Usually it takes up to three working days for us to answer, because we are a small team. Please aks the Chatbot first.