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Exploring happiness and creating an interactive exhibition from the 100 day photography project #100xPEOPLExHAPPINESS

What makes you happy? Every day for 100 days, I asked one person this question and documented their answer with a portrait photograph. To take my #100xPEOPLExHAPPINESS project a step further, I now have the opportunity to create an interactive exhibition at the Alte Feuerwache Gallery in Berlin-Friedrichshain and organise creative workshops for young people.
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Funding period
5/27/18 - 6/25/18
August 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 2,800 €

The funding will be used to create an interactive exhibition of the #100xPEOPLExHAPPINESS project photos and the accompanying stories of happiness.

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