Crowdfunding since 2010

Ermögliche mit uns das größte Demokratie Festival

Imagine that you're on your way. Imagine a day dedicated to making the world a more sustainable place. Imagine that you are a part of it. Imagine an enormous huge stadium filled with up to 90,000 people who all want to contribute to making the world a better place. Imagine that this day will really come. Will you be there?
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Funding period
11/21/19 - 1/6/20
Juni 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 1,800,000 €

Huge festivals like ours require a lot of effort, we shall all be safe, secure and have access to all needed facilities therefor we need to sell 60.000 tickets

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What is this project all about?

Imagine that on this day experts from all fields come together to present solutions to the most pressing problems of our time.

Imagine that with everyone’s help and signatures, we can present solutions directly to the Bundestag. This dream can become a reality. Join us at the Olympic Stadium on 12.06.2020!
Climate change, the rise of the alt-right, global injustice ...
On 12.06.2020, we want to take action to transform our society, politics and economy to ensure the future of our planet and its inhabitants. Can we count on you?

We hope the meeting at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin will be the global spark for this movement. Up to 90,000 people will attend the event plus many more can tune in to the livestream and other channels. We can return home that evening knowing we contributed to change which will impact future generations.

The program on this day is roughly divided into 2 parts:
The first part is to connect to our inspiration and motivation. Activists and scientists -- both well-known and lesser-known -- will present their perspectives on how to address the climate crisis from various fields of work and research on the main stage. We want to elevate and celebrate these leaders and their perspectives as much as possible!

The second part is all about activation. The aim is to give all participants the tools and confidence to bring about change as individuals and to take this confidence with them into their personal environment, their city, their initiative and to continue their commitment there.

Our goal is to use the 12th of June 2020 to set an example for our democracy to remember how much influence we exert as human beings. As a concrete measure, we will therefore conduct several petitions to the Quorum live in the stadium and submit them to the Bundestag.

A petition needs 50,000 votes. We will sit with up to 90,000 people in the Olympic Stadium (and many more during free live-streaming at home or during public viewing) while the petition counter is broadcast live on the screen. We will work together with you and our partners in the coming months to compile the contents, the program, the petitions as well as a starter package for the participants (an activist backpack). Fridays for Future Berlin and Scientists for Future are acting as the advisors to the organizing team. During all these processes we will not only be in contact with you as a community, but also seek your involvement and contributions to putting together this historic event.

Are you there?

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our primary goal is to activate our own human potential to be proactive and effective together. We want to counter the feeling of powerlessness and provide solutions to the seemingly overpowering crises of these days.

After many conversations with the main players in science, politics and business, we have understood: There is no shortage of solutions. They only receive too little attention.

The Olympic Stadium can serve as a great stage for our "utopia for realists,'' as historian and author Rutger Bregman would say. In the coming months we want to work together with you to develop measures (e.g. petitions) which will complement our common vision of the future with recommendations for action and thus become feasible.

We dedicate this ambitious event to all those who feel powerless, to all those who want to help shape a positive vision for themselves, their children and grandchildren. We invite all those who want to contribute to sustainable politics, economy and society. We want to move all those who finally want to take action instead of settling into horror scenarios.

For all those who cannot afford the entrance fee but still want to participate, we will provide a limited number of free tickets via lottery after the successful crowdfunding campaign. You can apply for the latter, some tickets will also be raffled.
On June 12, 2020, we welcome all people who have come to an understanding with us on the following points:

* We want to find solutions for the unprecedented climate, biodiversity and sustainability crisis in the history of humankind, which presents us with existential challenges of unprecedented scale.

* We believe that the environmental crisis cannot be viewed in isolation from social issues. Therefore, beyond the climate, we also address issues such as global injustice, the racism that is deeply rooted in our society, and gender inequality.

* We want to empower ourselves together, while at the same time openly meeting others and learning to listen to one another once more.

* We reject any form of discrimination - regardless of its nature. We treat each other respectfully, regardless of identity, origin, opinion or gender.

* We strive for equal opportunities as a social necessity

* We love democracy and confront its opponents

* We trust scientific knowledge

Why would you support this project?

There has never been anything like this event in modern history. 90,000 people renting the largest meeting room in the capital, the Olympic Stadium, to work out solutions together, to present them, to learn from them, to argue about them, to marvel and ultimately to live democracy using all the tools available to us as human beings. Just to see if we can do this together and if utopia can really become reality, it is worth supporting this project. This is an opportunity equal to joining Woodstock or Live Aid. Take it, and avoid #fomo! ;)

This project needs grassroots support through crowdfunding. We want to be free of lobbying and advertising. We also organize the meeting as a non-profit event. All proceeds flow into the financing of the even itself. If there is still money left after 12.06.2020, we will donate it to a non-profit organization.

Are you with us?

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

All the money will be used to finance this event. Such a big event costs a lot of money even if a lot of people are involved per bono or at cost and we have minimized the costs everywhere as far as possible to ensure the lowest possible entrance fee. We will list the costs transparently as far as the respective contracts with service providers allow and will put all possible surpluses into charitable projects e.g. reforestation. An independent third party, e.g. a notary*, will have access to all documents and costs and draw up a fact protocol. None of the possible speakers and artists will receive a fee.

Are you with us?

Who are the people behind the project?

All of us! Although the idea was initiated by employees at a Berlin start-up, einhorn, we are all volunteers who stepped up to make this event a reality.

Several other Berliner initiatives have come forward to support this event. We also have DEAG as an experienced, professional event partner to ensure that this major event will run smoothly and that safety is a priority. Although einhorn kindly volunteered their office space for the project’s headquarters and several employees are involved as volunteers, the company is neither profiting off the event nor using the event for advertising.

Together with our partners, we are planning the program for the day, including the music, political initiatives and workshops. Some of our partners include FridaysForFuture Berlin (consulting), ScientistsForFuture (consulting), EntrepreneursForFuture, Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, Mein Grundkeinkommen e.V., PEOPLE Festival, PxP Festival and the list goes on.

Does your organization/initiative also want to be involved? Do you have ideas e.g. for petitions and want to participate in the preparation and/or implementation? Please get in touch with us at [email protected]

And of course the most important question: Will you be there?

12/06/2020 Olympia

We will have made the impossible possible - but only with you!
This project has passed the Startnext check up.
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einhorn products GmbH
Waldemar Zeiler
Skalitzerstr. 100
10997 Berlin Deutschland

12/24/19 - Das Olympia-Team kann sein Versprechen halten...

Das Olympia-Team kann sein Versprechen halten und damit ist das Stadion jetzt gebucht. Viele sind in den letzten Stunden nicht erfolgreich gewesen mit ihrer Buchung und das Stadion ist noch nicht voll. Das Projekt wird deshalb bis zum 6.1.2020 offiziell verlängert. Die Buchungen werden in den nächsten Tagen abgerufen via Lastschrift und Kreditkarte.

Denis (Startnext)

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Denis (Startnext)

12/23/19 - Um Lastspitzen der Olympia-Crowd abzufangen,...

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Euer Startnext Dev Team: Denis (schreibt hier), Benjamin, Christoph, Cathleen, Gunter



Sie engagieren sich für die Verbreitung und Anwendung des Wissens zum Klimawandel, Biodiversität und den möglichen Maßnahmen. Die Scientists Berlin unterstützen beratend.


Am 29.11.2019 alle zum globalen Klimastreik! #neustartklima

Mehr Demokratie e.V.

Wenn wir aufhören, die Demokratie zu entwickeln, fängt die Demokratie an aufzuhören. Mehr Demokratie e.V. berät das Projekt und sieht darin ein Chance für demokratisches Lernen und Freude an der Demokratie.

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