Crowdfunding since 2010

No concerts because of Corona - Support the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin in their CD recording with orchestral works by Paul Wranitzky!

The Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin is currently focussing on the musical works by Paul Wranitzky (1756-1808). As a composer & conductor, Wranitzky was one of the most influential figures of the Classical period. Yet far too little has been heard of Wranitzky so far! We played his symphony "La Paix" several times last year. It is a captivating sound panorama of the French Revolution. We will present this brilliant work on CD together with other works by Wranitzky. Please help us in this effort!
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Funding period
2/2/21 - 3/14/21
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134 Supporter

Carsten Milling
Carsten Milling
Prof. Dr. Walter Londong
Prof. Dr. Walter Londong
Brigitte Pfofe
Brigitte Pfofe
Gerd Kühnert
Gerd Kühnert
Aanke Lindloff
Aanke Lindloff
Detlef Ruge
Detlef Ruge
Ute Matteis
Ute Matteis
Wolfgang Brandt
Wolfgang Brandt
Daniela Mayer
Daniela Mayer
Lars Bahners
Lars Bahners
Peter Goetz
Peter Goetz
Ulrike Huth
Ulrike Huth
anonymous supports: 53

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