
cooldown°earth foundation
The climate foundation from Krefeld is our partner and will bring the film into German classrooms as part of their "Digital Climate School".

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Our film is produced at renownded German film school Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.

Jugendstiftung Baden-Württemberg
The foundation supports our project by providing funding.

Deutsch-Norwegische Willy-Brand-Stiftung
The German-Norwegian Willy Brand Foundation supports our project by providing funding.

Bela B - singer and actor
"Green shooting is such a great idea, one of the best in a long time - damn! Full score to ANNA from me for that!"
Photo: Katja Ruge

Protestant Church of Northern Germany
The Environment and Climate Protection Office and the Climate Justice Information Office at the Center for Ecumenism are our partners and will make our film the basis for a series of climate education events.