Crowdfunding since 2010

Your reading buddy to guide your eyes and read more efficiently. The Speed Reading Tool.

How many books are still unread on your bookshelf? How often do you intend to read more? How many more topics would you like to learn? Reading is and remains the most important way to build up knowledge. The Bookhoover helps you to stay focused, read faster, and absorb more books. Your speed reading tool.
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Funding period
4/1/22 - 6/6/22
May - July 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 7,250 €

Once the funding sum has been reached, we can start the first professional 3D printing series of the reading buddies.

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What is this project all about?

About reading. The Bookhoover is a reading buddy that motivates you to read more and more focused. It helps you to absorb more knowledge from texts in less time and take notes as you go.

The tool is worn on your index finger and has a long tip and an integrated pen (pencil, ballpen or digital stylus). We use the Reading Buddy as a visual pacer to keep focus. Even if that sounds easy - it works, because our eyes follow a movement automatically. It's a biological stimulus. Wherever something moves, that's where our immediate attention is, too. In this way we read forward and do not jump back and forth in the text. The eye muscles tire less and we can maintain concentration for longer.
The eyes are "pulled" by the faster movement over the text which feeds the brain more efficiently.

With the right methods and techniques (e.g. Speed Reading), the reading speed can be increased from an average of 200 words per minute to 400-800 words per minute. It starts with the guidance of the eyes.

Because everyone wants to get ahead. And this works above all if you continue your education, stay open-minded, and absorb books, hence the name: book (English book), hoover (English vacuum cleaner). The tool helps you to stay motivated, read more efficiently and remember more.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The Bookhoover can help you to develop your own potential. For us, reading more means being more open towards new topics, getting inspiration, and implementing ideas. In every book there could be a sentence that initiates change and brings something new into being.

Target group
All people who want to read more to quench their thirst for knowledge and who are open to innovation and want to constantly develop.

Why would you support this project?

Because it gives you a tool that can help you to increase your reading speed, sharpen your focus, improve your text retention, and develop a solid reading routine.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We would like to produce more copies so that more people can benefit from the reading buddy. We currently produce every Bookhoover ourselves using a 3D printer, but we can only produce a limited number. So we need the funding to kickstart the production.

Who are the people behind the project?

Daniel completed a Speed ​​Reading course 2 years ago because he didn't have time to read everything he wanted. At first he made good progress, but as you know, without fixed course times, motivation quickly waned. Therefore, Daniel was looking for a tool that would serve as a reminder and enable the recommended eye tracking in speed reading. In order to revive his initial motivation, he developed his own tool as a hobbyist and engineer, which after countless prototypes is now called Bookhoover.

He is supported by Mana, who brings a lot of passion and her hand for design to the project. Her initial scepticism about Speed Reading quickly transformed, and while she's not 100% proficient in the technique, she's reaping the benefits of increased concentration.

Together they would like to introduce their reading buddy to other people and share their joy in reading.

Special thanks to Eric Hess for creating the video and photos.


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Daniel Nienkämper - Bookhoover
Daniel Nienkämper
Ehrenfeldgürtel 20
50823 Köln Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE346976956

5/18/22 - Liebe Crowd, vielen Dank für eure bisherige...

Liebe Crowd,
vielen Dank für eure bisherige Unterstützung: 93% des Ziels sind erreicht!
Leider fehlt uns noch ein kleines Stück, daher verlängern wir die Laufzeit unserer Kampagne. Denn es wäre schade, wenn wir das Startlevel nicht erreichen und ihr eure Dankeschöns nicht erhalten könnt.
Verzeiht, wenn wir euch erneut um Mithilfe bitten: Bitte erzählt euren Freunden und Bekannten von diesem Projekt, sodass sich auch die letzten Unterstützer finden.
Danke und liebe Grüße
Daniel & Mana

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