Crowdfunding since 2010

Der Wald liegt Dir am Herzen? Unser CALIMA Papier besteht zu 100 Prozent aus Resten des Zuckerrohrs, die beim Herstellen von Zucker übrig bleiben.

The forests are suffering all over the world. Climate change and overexploitation are causing harm to them. The economy also demands more and more wood. Sure, it's good when plastic is replaced by paper, but do trees have to be cut for this? With the CALIMA® NATURAL NOTEBOOK, we present you with a TREE-FREE PAPER option: Our upcycling paper gives a second life to the fiber residues from sugarcane, which are a waste of sugar production. In this way, the forest resources are conserved sustainably.
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Funding period
9/30/20 - 12/7/20
07.12.2020 - 24.12.2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 13,500 €

Mit 13.500€ können wir die erste Auflage unserer
Notizbücher aus 100% baumfreiem CALIMA Papier herstellen.

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CALIMA - das baumfreie Notizbuch

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