Crowdfunding since 2010

追溯过往与展望未来 ⦁ Travel back to the China of the 1960s and look into the future.

With your support we will be able to publish this beautifully designed trilingual photo book showcasing rare coloured images of China's past, taken in 1961 by Dr. Horst Köntopp, alongside the same images taken 60 years later by his great-grandson Jakob Becker. 在您的支持下,我们将能够印刷这本设计精美的三语摄影集,影集展示了德国人霍斯特-康托普博士1961年拍摄的中国宝贵的彩色图片,以及部分他的曾孙雅克布⦁贝克60年后拍摄的相同景点及其对比照片。
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Funding period
8/23/21 - 9/30/21
11月 ⦁ November 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 8,000 €


With your support we will be able to afford the high quality printing of this beautifully designed photo volume.

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What is this project all about?

自2015年以来城市规划师、摄影师雅克布⦁莫里茨⦁贝克开始对中国的历史和中国的社会发展进行了了解与观察,在此本影集《China 1961-2021 ⦁ 你好,中国》(尺寸:27 x 27 cm)中,他收集整理了在中国跨越两个世纪超过六十年之久的珍贵照片,其中包括:近285张未公开的彩色照片,这些照片是雅克布的曾外祖父霍斯特⦁坤特普博士在1961年以医生身份前往中国参与学术交流与旅行时所拍,雅克布将底片再次整理与翻拍。在六十年代的中国彩色照片没有普及,因此在今天看来这些彩色的历史瞬间非常有意义;影集中还包含雅克布本人在60年后的今天,先后多次前往中国,从北向南依次从北京、天津、上海、杭州到广州、佛山和从化,他走访了大量曾外祖父拍摄照片的相同地点,再次以相同的角度拍摄了相同的主题,这些照片以新旧对比的形式呈现在影集的第二部分。

Since 2015, urbanist and photographer Jakob Becker has been exploring the historical and social development of China. Jakob's great-grandfather, Dr. Horst Köntopp, brought back an extensive collection of color photographs from his trip which took him to China as a doctor in 1961. Tracing the historical development of the country, Jakob analyzed and digitized the historical images from a time when photography in China was still almost exclusively in black and white. 60 years later, he himself traveled to many of the exact locations where the historical photos were taken in order to capture the same motifs again from identical angles of view and juxtapose them with the old images.
In the German-Chinese photography volume "China 1961 - 2021 ⦁ Traces of Change" (27 x 27 cm), which was designed with highest dedication, Jakob publishes photographs taken in China from two times far apart: It includes 285 historical color photographs from 1961 of the cities of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Foshan, and Conghua - including portraits, landscapes, street scenes and places of work - as well as a juxtaposition of a variety of the historical photographs with photographs taken today.
Your support will enable us to travel back in time to the China of the past and realize the printing of this photography volume.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?


Since there are few color images from the early 1960s in China, this well-preserved collection has a unique historical value, depicting China's social development in powerful images. The book is aimed at photography and art lovers, photographers, historians and China enthusiasts.

Why would you support this project?

有了您的支持,您将帮助雅克布⦁贝克支付制作这本精心设计的摄影集所需的高额前期设计、制作及印刷费用。该影集将于2021年10月预印。此本影集提供多种支持购买形式,分别有: 中英德原版;3 张A2尺寸海报;一套12张明信片或完整的套装(上述所有内容一起)。同时,也衷心感谢您直接捐款支持这个项目的实现!再次感谢你们的支持!

With your support you help Jakob Becker to bear the high upfront costs for the production of the elaborately designed photography volume, which is expected to go to print in October 2021. As a reward, you can choose between the book itself (trilingual: English-Chinese-German), 3 large format prints (A2), a set of 12 postcards or the complete package (everything listed above together). Of course, you can also just contribute an amount of your choice as you wish.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

筹集到的所有资金将全部用于资助该书的制作与印刷费用。该书为精装本,格式为27 x 27厘米,共计376页。

The entire amount will be used to finance the production costs of the photography volume. It will be printed in the format 27 x 27 cm, hardcover and counts 376 pages.

Who are the people behind the project?

影集《China 1961-2021 ⦁ 你好,中国》由雅克布⦁贝克前后历经五年时间设计与制作完成,在前期雅克布个人翻拍、收集与对比等工作的同时,他在2016年到2020年这五年中也通过在中国的交流学习、工作与旅行结识到很多朋友、熟人和无数陌生人,他们对于提供照片信息与寻找拍摄地点等等给予了莫大的帮助,没有他们的帮助今天无法完成这本影集的实现!

"China 1961 - 2021 ⦁ Traces of Change" was designed by Jakob Becker, who not only has a relationship with China through his great-grandfather, but has also been to China many times through his studies, profession and scholarships, lived there and speaks Chinese. Behind the project, however, are countless other friends, acquaintances and helping hands, without whose help the project could not have been realized.

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
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12/6/21 - Dear crowd, There is good news and bad news....

Dear crowd,

There is good news and bad news. Good news is, we will print soon (yaaaay!). Bad news is, we wanted to be done printing already (uhhhh -.-). The delay has the following pandemic-related reasons: First, the translator got very sick. Second, the printing house had difficulties guaranteeing there is enough paper in stock, as the supply chains are still broken. They managed to reserve paper for me now, which ensures that we can print. This all threw us back several weeks, which means:
Submission of the final file will be next week, printing will take place in January, in February I will receive the books and start shipping. I am very sorry for the delay. Things just happened the way they happened.

Hope you are all safe and sound. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with me directly.

Best wishes,

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你好,中国 ⦁ China 1961-2021 ⦁ Traces of Change
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