Crowdfunding since 2010

After a stroke of fate a mother has to make a decision for her daughter. A Decision which will affect many others, including herself.

Can we find comfort in pain? We want to explore this question in our social spot. „The Decision“ tells the emotional story of a mother dealing with a terrible loss. The film will be a diploma project at the Film Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg.
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Funding period
2/6/19 - 3/8/19
October 2019
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,500 €

With the first funding goal we can cover the production costs and realize the first film "The Decision".

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45 Supporter

Julia Lazar
Julia Lazar
Judith Enders
Judith Enders
Alissa Weber
Alissa Weber
Anna Greif
Anna Greif
Alissa Weber
Alissa Weber
Vinh-Minh Nguyen
Vinh-Minh Nguyen
Philipp Fleischmann
Philipp Fleischmann
Nikolas Schmidbauer
Nikolas Schmidbauer
Simona Leyzerovich
Simona Leyzerovich
Alastair Dingwall
Alastair Dingwall
Antje-Karen Richter
Antje-Karen Richter
Mario Scian
Mario Scian
anonymous supports: 11

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The Decision - a social spot about organ donation
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