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After a stroke of fate a mother has to make a decision for her daughter. A Decision which will affect many others, including herself.

Can we find comfort in pain? We want to explore this question in our social spot. „The Decision“ tells the emotional story of a mother dealing with a terrible loss. The film will be a diploma project at the Film Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg.
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Funding period
2/6/19 - 3/8/19
October 2019
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,500 €

With the first funding goal we can cover the production costs and realize the first film "The Decision".

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What is this project all about?

We’re telling the story of Maria, who is struggling to make a life-changing decision after misfortune has hit her family.

Her 8 year-old daughter Becky died in a fatal accident. In this incredibly painful situation Maria needs to decide on wether she wants to donate her daughters´ organs or not.

With her decision she eventually saves Lili, who suffers from a major heart disease and has been waiting for years for an organ donation.

Of course we don’t want to spoil the ending, but we can tell that with a small gesture Lili will help Maria finding her comfort in pain. We believe that the generous act of donating does not only help one family heal physically but can help another one emotionally as well.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

With „The Decision“ we speak to the people which already had to deal with this topic; either themselves or their loved ones had to wait or still are waiting for an organ. We also speak to the families who had been in the difficult situation of having to take the decision for somebody else.
At the same time it is a main task for the spot to make all the people who have never been confronted with the topic, familiar with it.

Why would you support this project?

Every day over 40 people die because the organ they are waiting for doesn´t arrive on time, and this is in the USA and Europe only. There as well, over a quarter million are on the waiting list.

A single person can save up to 7 people´s lifes by donating organs. We as a society need to engage with this topic and find some kind of solution; a change of perspective towards the issue might be all we need to start. Every day countless people have to face such a decision of wether they want to donate a loved ones´ organs or not. And they must take this decision in a moment of great vulnerability and under a great deal of stress and personal pain. However, on this decision depends the life of several others.

We believe that nobody should have to take such a life-changing decision under this circumstances. That is why it is important for everyone to inform himself and form a rational opinion about this topic beforehand, even today.
What would you do if you had to take that decision?
What would you like to hear if you were the one waiting for that organ?

With your support to this film you maybe help someone take a difficult decision that can save a life.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

On the one side the money will cover the production costs of the film: props (f.e. medical equipment), an authentic set design, location fees, technical equipment and postproduction, as well as logistics and meals + accommodation for actors and crew (about 30 people). Together all these costs can be significant for us, a group of students.

Who are the people behind the project?

The non-commercial social spot is produced as a diploma film at the Film Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Our team consists of:
Nicolas Bori (director, 34): Before moving to Germany two years ago, Nico was born and raised in Argentina. One of his greatest wishes came true when he got accepted to study „commercial film direction“ at the Film Academy. Being fortunate enough to travel and meet many people on the way, his focus on his films is on representing real issues he had experienced himself and give a voice to groups of people who don´t always get featured in media. His motto: „With the skills and resources I get access to during my studies I want to create films which can have a positive impact for others.“
Learn more about Nico´s story:

Simona Weber (producer, 29): Since 2015 Simona is studying at the Film Academy BW. Before that she completed her B.A. in media economy in 2014 and was working as a freelance producer. Besides her studies at the Filmacademy she works at a renowned ad agency in Stuttgart. From the beginning Simona was captivated by the idea and social components of the film. The project is part of her diploma thesis at the Film Academy.

Daniel Kottirsch (Producer, 28): Daniel started at the Film Academy BW in 2018 directly in the 3rd Year. This was possible thanks to his previous practical experience and the B.A. in „Design“ with focus on „Film“ that he completed at the University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg. He also worked as a freelance producer in Nuremberg, Munich and Hamburg. Daniel and Nicolas met while working on a social spot for an inclusive circus project for kids with and without special needs.

Das Team

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3/9/19 - WE DID IT!! Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle...

Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle Supporter!
Wir mussten gestern noch richtig zittern, aber am Ende hat es gereicht :)
Nebenbei läuft natürlich unsere Produktion schon auf Hochtouren; Der Dreh findet schon Ende nächster Woche statt :)
Bis bald,
Daniel, Nico, Simona

3/2/19 - Es geht in die heiße Phase unserer Kampagne!...

Es geht in die heiße Phase unserer Kampagne!

In knapp zwei Wochen beginnt unser Dreh. Unsere Darsteller sind gefunden, die Drehorte stehen auch, und das Team wächst mit jedem Tag.
Wir sind begeistert von den vielen Unterstützern, die wir schon überzeugen konnten.
Jetzt heißt es, nochmal Vollgas zu geben und die letzten Euros zu sammeln, um unser Ziel zu erreichen :)
Teilt das Projekt mit euren Freunden, Verwandten und Bekannten, dann schaffen wir es bestimmt!


LIONS Club Ludwigsburg Favorite

Der Lionsclub Ludwigsburg Favorite engagiert sich ehrenamtlich für Menschen, die Hilfe brauchen. Dabei kümmern wir uns um die Mitmenschen in unserer Nachbarschaft genauso wie um Notleidende in aller Welt. „We Serve" ist unser Motto.

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The Decision - a social spot about organ donation
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