Crowdfunding since 2010

The first music video is out now and the debut record is about to follow in January. Support this campagne and become part of the mysterious story!

For over a year now, I have put all of my creativity into writing songs for my concept record ‘Bubbly Joyride To Utopia’. Now it’s time to capture these songs for all to hear onto CD - and therefore we ask for your help In this album, where the guitar takes over the role of the storyteller and accompanies the listeners journey into the realm of imagination - this is where the impossible becomes possible, the dream becomes reality and the imagination has a voice.
Funding period
9/13/19 - 10/27/19
Ca. Januar 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 1,900 €

Reaching the first funding goal supports the album production. It will pay the recording process, and part of the Mixing&Mastering.

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My first album • Bubbly Joyride To Utopia • Dee Dammers
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