Crowdfunding since 2010
ATreeHouse is not just a house - it is a concept. This concept allows every human being to build an inexpensive natural retreat by themselves. Natural raw materials and regenerating resources are built into a valuable work of art. Things that you love, find and collect will live on in this environment. We dream that by 2030, 10,000 homes will emerge for future generations. We hope to give you all of this, the only thing that will be lost is: “the norm”.
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Funding period
10/31/14 - 1/28/15
Spring and Summer 2015
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
35,000 €
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200 Supporter

Simone Menzel
Simone Menzel
Frank Bonert
Gottfried Ram
Gottfried Ram
Carina Morandini
Carina Morandini
Stephan Pflügler
Johannes Seer
Johannes Seer
Christoph Maurer
David Hofer
Claudine Kaul
Johannes Ebner
Katharina Krones
Sylvia Prunthaller
Sylvia Prunthaller
anonymous supports: 47

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