Crowdfunding since 2010

EntoSus builds the first organic insect farm in Europe working with circular economy approach.

EntoSus builds the first organic insect farm in Europe working with circular economy approach. Here they are rearing crickets for human consumption. The crickets mainly are fed with bakery waste and other byproducts from the food industry. From these insects valuable, protein rich and healthy food will be produced to deliver a sustainable alternative to meat products.
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Funding period
2/11/20 - 3/18/20
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Minimum amount (Start level): 12,500 €

By achieving the first goal, we can buy a part of the needed rearing boxes to equip our pilot farm.

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What is this project all about?

Our crickets, reared according organic rules, are not only a sustainable alternative to conventional proteins from animals, but also a real alternative to conventional imported insect products. Because we produce them here in north Germany and they do not need to be shipped all around the globe. Furthermore, we will feed our crickets with byproducts from the agricultural and food industry, instead of using traditional feed based on grains. These are mainly bakery waste.

But why eating bugs??


Crickets are fully loaded with healthy ingredients. Beside of 60-70% of protein with a perfect mixture of amino acids, they contain important vitamins (B1, B2, B12) and minerals like calcium, magnesium and zinc.
The chitinous exoskeleton of insects has a positive effect on the digestive system, hence a direct influence on our intestine health.
Moreover, the compound of fatty acids makes them a power food what is used from more than two billion worldwide.

Positive contribution for climate protection:

Insects clearly need less space than cattle, pigs or poultry. Because we feed them with residual products, we are nearly independent from agricultural land.
The eatable part of cattle for example is only 40% whereas our crickets can be eaten 100%.
As well the use of water is clearly less than what’s needed for traditional meat production.
Additional during the rearing they are producing only 1% of the greenhouse gas than cattle produce per kg.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Together with you we will reach our targets:

  • Contribute to climate security by producing insects sustainable and bring them onto your plate.
  • Deliver a healthy alternative to meat product what also taste delicious and is versatile to use in your diet.

Who should feel addressed??

  • Everyone, who’s looking for a healthy, sustainable alternative to meat products
  • Athlete, who’s looking for perfect amino acid compound for building muscles
  • Everyone, who wants to try something new in the kitchen
  • Everyone, who’s a nature-, environment- and climate saver
  • Commercial partners

Why would you support this project?

Insects good for you but best for the environment

Our crickets are veritable allrounder, doesn’t matter if fresh frozen, dried roasted or grinded to powder they are a versatile supplement to everyone’s diet. And additionally, you are doing something good for the climate without resign on indulgence.

Even if it is not as common, eating insects in the western society, it's only a matter of the head. Best example is sushi. A couple of decades ago nobody could imagine eating raw fish. Today you can find a sushi restaurant behind every corner.

So just try it!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

To show the feasibility of our approach circular economy producing insects regional in Germany we want to build up our bunker farm completely. For this we need around 50.000 €. Every cent on this way brings us closer to this target and gives us the possibility of building up our site. Next to machines for preparing and grinding the feed we will need special rearing units, which guarantee the best climate conditions to our crickets. Also, we need machines for processing the crickets.

Who are the people behind the project?

Who is behind EntoSus?

Florian: agricultural engineer and Melanie: prospective food technologist.

Already during his studies Florian was thinking about insects as alternative protein source. In 2017 he wrote his bachelor thesis on this subject. Since 2019 he’s preparing the founding of EntoSus. 2020 Melanie joined the team and is now working together with Florian, building the pilot farm of EntoSus.

More about the founder team.


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