Crowdfunding since 2010

90-minute horror film. Made in Berlin. Soon in theaters

Our brilliant horror film Original Sin is close to completion! Everyone has really dug in and given everything! Now we are on the home stretch - and need YOU! As so often with projects, there are more costs in the end than you thought before. Only with your support, we can guarantee the remaining shooting days and a high-quality post-production. For the realization of the production in November we still need about 15.000 EURO. Become part of the team :D
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Funding period
10/27/22 - 12/23/22
We working on it
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 15,000 €

Realisierung der letzten zwei Drehtage und die Post-Produktion/Nachbearbeitung.

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What is this project all about?

Our brilliant horror film "Erbsünde" is close to completion! Everyone has really given everything! Now we are nearly done
- and need YOU!
As so often with projects, there are more costs in the end than you thought before.
Only with your support we can guarantee the remaining shooting days and a high-quality post-production.
For the realization of the production in November we still need about 15.000 EURO.

A horror film which draws on elements of various horror subgenres:
In search of an adventurous story in the woods, a group of journalism students accidentally awakens an invincible, superhuman soldier from his lost cryo-sleeping chamber. A long night of manhunts, desperation, mystery and impenetrable thickets ensues, forcing the remaining students to find their inner fighting spirit and face the inevitable.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal is the completion of this exciting, scary and adventurous horror film.

The target audience is all (horror) film lovers and film enthusiasts - people who love to be captivated by artists and thereby face their inner struggles, inadequacies and fears, but also love to discover their own power and strength in seemingly hopeless situations.

Why would you support this project?

WE NEED YOU to help us finish the film, so that the film industry gains a really scary and exciting horror film. Don't you want to see if Dennis, Sarah and their friends succeed to fight the monster JUSO?

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The majority of the money is needed to finance the remaining days of the shooting. We have already shot a large part, but we are still missing a few scenes.
So part of the money will go there.

The other part of the money is needed for our post-production. Post-production includes all the steps needed to edit the film: cutting, color correction, sound, sound mixing, adding visual effects, post production of sound and picture, film music and so much more...

This is important so that you can really enjoy the film on the big screen in the quality we all want.

Who are the people behind the project?

The project is a production of the Chaer-brothers: Ahmed and Hussen Chaer and their company, GWF Film Production.
We are a young production company from Berlin and have already shot some short films and series - mainly about wrestlers with lots of cool stunt moves.

This is our first independent 90 minute film and we are very excited about the result. What we have achieved so far is something to be proud of!

Legal notice
ChaerBros Wrestling & Entertainment GbR
Ahmed Chaer
Geygerstr. 17
12043 Berlin Deutschland

11/23/22 - Auf geht's. Unsere Kampagne wird nun auf...

Auf geht's. Unsere Kampagne wird nun auf mehreren Newsseiten veröffentlicht und daher verlängern wir die Kampagne und sind uns sicher, unser Ziel bald zu erreichen:D

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