Crowdfunding since 2010

An event for taiko players and enthusiasts from across Europe to learn, share and connect with each other. A showcase of the voices of European Taiko.

Are you excited for a European Taiko Expo? ** Let us know by showing your support! ** The planning is already in full swing, and now we want to know just how much to pack into the event. If you fancy the idea of an ETE21, help us to cover a part of the venue costs, and to make this a great event. ++ The more support we get, the bigger we can make this thing! And if we hit our stretch goal of 6000 EUR, you'll allow us to extend the event to TWO Expo days (Sat+Sun) and Concert Night. YEAH!!
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Funding period
2/18/21 - 4/30/21
October 16 & 17, 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 1,000 €

Hitting 1000 EUR lets us know that we can keep dreaming big! We want to put on the best expo we can - as big as it needs to be.
!! ETE21 in Hamburg this year !!

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Euro Taiko Expo 2021
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