Crowdfunding since 2010

Together for the region Ahrweiler. Help now and get your unique piece.

The wine region Ahrweiler reaches sad fame due to the flood disaster. In addition to building up the infrastructure, it is necessary to help the family businesses in viticulture, gastronomy and tourism. They have lost everything and are faced with the ruins of their existence. The only things that survived the flood are some cherished wines. We call them flood wines. Under the label #flutwein we sell these characteristic bottles to support the reconstruction.
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Funding period
7/24/21 - 9/1/21
6 month
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What is this project all about?

The region of Ahrweiler, known among experts for its hospitality and wine culture, comes to sad fame due to the flood and the devastating consequences. The catastrophic result: A completely destroyed infrastructure & damages in multimillions. But as bad as the devastation has hit our beloved homeland, the shock in our hearts is even greater: our hope goes out to the wonderful people - our neighbors, co-workers, friends & relatives - who are still missing. Our sympathy to the families who lost their loved ones in this terrible disaster. Our thoughts are with you and we send lots of strength and love.

Many of the family businesses in viticulture & gastronomy have lost almost everything and are facing the ruins of existence together with their employees. The only thing that survived the flood are some bottles of the excellent and appreciated wines. We call them the flood wines.

Under the label #flutwein we unite diverse quality wines from the Ahrweiler region, which became a limited rarity due to the flood. The wine is noble, the packaging - to commemorate the disaster - limited & original mud.

Every single wine bottle is unique with high symbolic value and at the same time your opportunity to help. With the purchase of one of the unique pieces, you support exactly where the help is needed.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The vision of the campaign is to support the reconstruction efforts with the sale of the rescued wines, to provide financial help to the local people and to maintain the awareness of the Ahrweiler region as one of the most important wine regions.
In addition to building up the infrastructure, it is now particularly important to help the family businesses in viticulture, gastronomy and tourism. This will secure the economic existence of the Valley in the long term.

Why would you support this project?

With this fundraising campaign under the label #flutwein we focus on the sustainable, long-term stabilization of the local economy. The wine region and regional gastronomy play a big role in this and at the same time this influences the necessary tourism.

You now have the chance to lend a hand. With your donation you send hope and support for the restart.
Together with you we can manage to rebuild and help the infrastructure and the people from the Ahrweiler region in this difficult time.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

After successful finish of this crowdfunding campaign on startnext, the affected vintners & gastronomes will be paid the financial contribution in total. The donations serve to the reconstruction of their existancies and the goal of a functioning ecosystem of the Ahrweiler region again.

Who are the people behind the project?

The campaign is an initiative of the local gastronomer "Klebers Küche & Garten" in cooperation with the association Ahrwein e.V.. Due to the catastrophe and because of many requests where money for the reconstruction can be donated, the non-profit association "Ahr - A wineregion needs Help for Rebuilding e.V." was founded and a donation account explicitly for all local wine businesses and the gastronomy was set up.

Flutwein Initiatoren

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
AHR - A wineregion needs Help for Rebuilding e.V.
Peter Kriechel
Max-Planck-Straße 8
53474 Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Deutschland

Zweck des Vereins: Der Weinbau ist eine der wichtigsten wirtschaftlichen Säulen dieser Region und lebt vom Tourismus. Durch viele Anfragen, wohin Geld für den Wiederaufbau gespendet werden kann, wurde der Verein "Ahr - A wineregion needs Help for Rebuilding e.V." gegründet und ein Spendenkonto eingerichtet. Menschen, die sich dem Weinbau verbunden fühlen und sich mit einer Geldspende beteiligen möchten, können auf ein Konto ihren Beitrag sehr gerne leisten. Das Geld kommt den hiesigen Winzern, die Opfer der Flutkatastrophe vom 14.07.2021 in der Region wurden, zu Gute.

9/10/21 - Liebe Unterstützer:Innen - Unsere Freunde von...

Liebe Unterstützer:Innen - Unsere Freunde von Startnext haben die Bearbeitungsfunktion eurer Bestellung nochmal freigeschaltet. Das heißt ihr könnt in euren Profilen eure Bestellung wieder selbstständig bearbeiten & z.B. eure Lieferdaten ändern. Bitte prüft ob ihr eure Fragen auf dieser Weise selbst bearbeiten könnt, da wir aktuell mehr Fragen diesbezüglich erhalten als wir bearbeiten können. Wir beeilen uns natürlich in der Beantwortung und bitte um euer Verständnis <3

8/4/21 - Ein UPDATE für die "Dankeschöns" Vielen Dank...

Ein UPDATE für die "Dankeschöns"
Vielen Dank für eure riesige Unterstützung! Uns fehlen echt die Worte.

  • Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage nach Einzelflaschen (ohne Nummerierung) haben wir uns entschlossen das Limit des Dankeschöns nochmal zu erhöhen.
  • Gleichzeitig müssen wir allerdings die Preise für weitere 3-er bzw. 6-er Kartons mit Blick auf die Logistik & Verfügbarkeit nochmal leicht anpassen. Wir hätten nicht gedacht, dass ihr so schnell seid und hoffen sehr auf euer Verständnis. <3

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