Crowdfunding since 2010

Keep your memory active while playing with your own family photographs

Our aim is to improve in a meaningful way the lives of people with dementia and that of their relatives. Together with scientists and IT experts, we have therefore developed an interactive memory-training program. The app Golden Memories offers various games that you can create yourself using your own old family photographs. The goal is to train cognitive skills, strengthen social interaction and share memories. TEXTOS EN ESPAÑOL DEBAJO DE LOS TEXTOS EN INGLÉS, APARTADO “ABOUT THIS PROJECT”.
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Funding period
12/16/21 - 2/28/22
May 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 15,000 €

The entire amount will be invested in the design and development of the app. In the first version we offer 3 games and a gallery to manage your family photos.

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2/12/22 - Dear supporters, We are thrilled with your...

Dear supporters,

We are thrilled with your support so far and with all the encouragement we have received! 16 days left!

Together with Startnext, we have decided to set our funding goal at 15,000 euros. During the last weeks, some new perspectives have opened up, which have changed the conditions for us very positively. With this adjustment, we are getting a little closer to our goal of realising the app.

We are also currently conducting some interviews with neuroscientists, care experts and affected families to incorporate their expertise into the process of designing and developing the app. We have already gained many valuable insights and partners through this.

We are ready for the final spurt and continue to welcome all kinds of support.

Your Golden Memories Team

1/25/22 - Dear all, Currently we are at 13.710 Euros,...

Dear all,

Currently we are at 13.710 Euros, which means that to reach our goal we still need to collect 11.290 Euros. To make this happen, we decided together with Startnext to let our crowdfunding campaign run one month longer. This gives us more time to reach our funding goal and get closer to our goal of implementing the app.

At this point, a big thank you to Startnext (Elisa Palacios, is a wonderful contact/coach!) for accommodating us here and helping us reach our goal. Thank you also, from the bottom of our hearts, to everyone who has supported us so wonderfully and generously to this point.

Another thank you goes to CREATIVE.NRW, who are going all out for the project.

The extension of the campaign period also means that the sending of thank-you gifts for those of you who have already supported us will be slightly delayed. We hope for your understanding here.

We still need you as our supporters!
How? Please continue to share the campaign link with as many people as possible. Every support helps us tremendously and helps to create our app Golden Memories. Every support and sharing also creates more awareness about the challenges of living with dementia .


Existenzgründerpreis Rhein-Erft-Kreis 2021

GründerStipendium.NRW 2021

St@rt Hürth

FBS Foundation - Madrid

Golden Memories
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