Crowdfunding since 2010
The documentary "Hadi Tschüss" portrays Münnevver, Ruhan, Derya, Emine und Necip. Although all five of them have spent most of their life time in Germany, they decided to return to Turkey - the country of their birth and the home country of their parents. "Hadi Tschüss" is a film about people whose heart is torn between the two countries - German virtues, Turkish warmth and the chance to get the best out of both cultures.
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Funding period
3/6/14 - 4/26/14
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
4,920 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

It has been half a century now that Germany called for guest workers from Turkey. Debates about integration of immigrants and their descendants or its alleged rejection dominated the media for a long time. Today immigration statistics are retrograde. In 2012 around 30.000 people with Turkish origin left the country. What motivates them to migrate (again) in different phases of their life? How do they perceive life in Turkey compared to Germany? What do they expect?
"Hadi Tschüss" is a film about people whose heart is torn between the two countries - German virtues, Turkish warmth and the chance to get the best out of both cultures. Apart from the German integration debate Münnever, Ruhan, Emine, Derya and Necip talk in “Hadi Tschüss” about their personal border crossings between Germany and Turkey.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

While a range of media reported during the last months about the supposed mass emigration of high-qualified Germans with Turkish roots, in Turkey predominates the image of the conservative immigrants. Information and deeper insights into Turkish-German living are lacking. The documentary is intended to help counteract clichés and to break with stereotypes. By presenting the film and discussing it at different places in Germany and Turkey in autumn 2014 should help to encourage a mutual dialog.

Why would you support this project?

1) You want to help us telling the stories of Münevver, Ruhan, Derya, Emine and Necip and support the production of a documentary on a topic which has not been dealt with yet.

2) You are interested in the topic of migration and integration and want to support an alternative to biased representations of this topic. Hadi Tschüss does not want to categorize or label anybody, but rather give a voice to the people and let them talk about their personal experiences.

3) You are a sympathizer to the young and aspiring film team who really feels attached to the topic and you want to help them to a successful film premiere.

4) You feel yourself closely connected to Turkey and Germany and you want to know more about the experiences of other border crossers.

5) You always wanted to remain seated in a cinema after the end of the film to read your name or the name of your company in the closing credits.

6) You are looking for an excuse to spend some days in Izmir - the most beautiful metropolis on the Mediterranean coast.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The shooting in Turkey has been completed in December 2013. A second phase of the shoot will take place in March 2014 in Ingolstadt, former home town of Ruhan who is one of the protagonists.
Financed by own resources and the support of the “Freundinnen und Freunde der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung” half of the costs have been covered. With the support of the Goethe-Institut Izmir a cinema tour is planned in fall 2014 across Turkey.
Now we need your support to finance a professional postprocessing (cut, color correction, subtitling, music) as well as the production of a DVD. In this way the documentary can be made accessible for a wider audience. If the project will be overfunded the funds will be used to organize a cinema tour in Germany.

Who are the people behind the project?

Matthias Ditscherlein [direction/ production/ camera]
Born in 1988 in Vogtland, 2008-2012 studied television production studies at Fernsehakademie Leipzig, in 2012 he produced his first documentary “Das Glück da unten” together with editor Dagmar Borchert, currently working as a filmmaker in Leipzig

Anne Denkinger [assistant director/ production/ translation]
born in 1988 in Vogtland, studies International Migration and Intercultural Relations at the University Osnabrück with an emphasis on integration policy, asylum and migration between Germany and Turkey

Sarah Klare [camera/ sound]
born in 1988 in Schleiz, 2008-2012 studied television production studies at Fernsehakademie Leipzig, worked as an editor at Info TV Leipzig and Oldenburg Eins, camerawomen and sound assistant for the documentary "Das Glück da unten", lately participated in a volunteer servic and worked afterwards as a fimmaker for different NGOs in Bhuj, India.
Current projects:

Cheers to our selfless fellow activists who supported us during filming or translations: Birgit Gall, Özge Gültekin, Hasan Gürsoy, Yaşar Yılmaz, Pekün, Ismael and Gülsün Derse, Ali Özel, Ralf Ditscherlein, Johanna Munzel, Lisa Horn and Zeynel Tan. For needed money and equipment lending we want to thank the Çiğli Belediyesi, the Center Screen GmbH and Werner Grosskopf GmbH.

Hadi Tschüss

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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4/24/14 - Weiter gehts! Das Fundingziel ist erreicht,...

Weiter gehts!
Das Fundingziel ist erreicht, dennoch besteht noch 2 Tage die Möglichkeit sich eines der Dankeschöns zu sichern und noch schnell zum Mitfilmförderer zu werden! Wie versprochen fließen zusätzliche Mittel in die Organisation der Kinotour im Herbst/Winter.
Wer hier außerdem Ideen für Örtlichkeiten und ähnliches hat, wir sind unglaublich dankbar für eure Hinweise und würden den Film natürlich auch gern in eurer Stadt zeigen!

4/24/14 - 2 Tage vor Ende der Aktion sind mit 100...

2 Tage vor Ende der Aktion sind mit 100 Unterstützern im Rücken 101 % des Projekts finanziert! Wir freuen uns so!
Vielen Dank an alle Supporter und stillen Filmförderer, die ihr Teil dieses Projekts geworden seit!!!

4/18/14 - Hier gehts zum Pitch-Video auf Vimeo:...

Hier gehts zum Pitch-Video auf Vimeo:

Und zum Trailer:


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Hadi Tschüss - Documentary
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