Crowdfunding since 2010

Picture dictionary and app - helping refugees communicate

ICOON for refugees helps refugees communicate. A simple book with 1,000 symbols and photos can overcome any language barrier. It uses pictures when words fail. We would like to make communication easier when refugees and helpers meet and provide as many free books as possible to helpers and helping organisations. For every euro you donate we will print one book and make the free android app available for download.
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Funding period
10/19/15 - 11/20/15
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
10,000 €
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362 Supporter

Kristin Könitzer
Kristin Könitzer
Helmut Lierhaus
Helmut Lierhaus
Milena Glimbovski
Milena Glimbovski
Hartmut O. Genz
Hartmut O. Genz
Nicole Klauß
Nicole Klauß
Thomas Brinker
Thomas Brinker
Dr. Jürgen Martini
Dr. Jürgen Martini
Stephan Jamal El-Din
Stephan Jamal El-Din
Barbara Englert
Barbara Englert
Tanja Cerri
Tanja Cerri
uwe duske
uwe duske
Esther Eisenhardt
Esther Eisenhardt
anonymous supports: 279

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ICOON for refugees

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