Crowdfunding since 2010

We want to plant 50,000 trees and shrubs this winter. For a future-proof agriculture.

We want to create a diverse agricultural ecosystem to show what a future-proof and crisis-resilient agriculture can look like. This winter, with your support, we want to plant 50,000 trees and shrubs!
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Funding period
7/7/22 - 10/7/22
In winter 2022/23
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 100,000 €

With the funding goal, we can plant 50,000 trees and shrubs and take good care of them. – To create an abundant, agricultural ecosystem.

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Primary sustainable development goal
Climate action
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What is this project all about?

Our civilization poses a real threat to biodiversity, soil fertility, climate and global ecosystems. The current generation decides by its actions whether our children will have a future worth living. How do we deal with this?

To solve this problem we need to regenerate soils and ecosystems!

While the forest is the naturally predominant ecosystem in Central Europe, regenerative agroforestry offers a solution to work with the natural principles of a forest ecosystem while growing diverse, nutritious food.

We, the farming community of the Hof Lebensberg, have a great vision:.

We want to create a species-rich, agricultural ecosystem. In doing so, we support soil fertility by actively building up humus. At the same time, we protect the climate, close water cycles and produce a large variety of food.

We are building a practical and model farm with a variety of the world's most successful methods of regenerative agriculture - to bring life back to the land and to be a source of inspiration for many other farmers and landowners!

Together with your support we can make an important contribution to climate protection and the urgently needed agricultural turnaround!

Woody plants play an essential part in this - also on the field! They provide deep rooting, humus build-up and habitat. At the same time, the edible woody plants provide valuable food. This winter we are planting a multi-layered, diverse fruit agroforestry system (e.g. with apples, pears, quinces, chokeberries, autumn olives and nashi pears).

⭐ With your support, we want to plant 50,000 trees and shrubs this winter. - Every tree counts!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?


Climate protection

  • Humus build-up can actively store CO2 in the soil.
  • Trees have a direct cooling effect on the microclimate.
  • We sell our products directly on site and in the region (maximum 100km away).


  • Species-rich mixed forests would be the predominant ecosystem in Central Europe. Therefore we want to plant many trees!
  • We work without environmental poisons.
  • We allow natural predator-prey mechanisms to build up.

Food Sovereignty

  • We contribute to regional food sovereignty through our wide range of healthy foods. Especially in times of oil shortages and global resource conflicts, regional resilience is the key.
  • We already refine our vegetables and grains into crackers, sauerkraut, bread, sauces and other valuable foods.

Application & spreading of regenerative methods

  • In cooperation with selected universities, we have set up a research project for the scientific documentation of the ecosystem development.
  • We are further developing the knowledge of various regenerative methods here on site.
  • We build up seminars and contribute by knowledge transfer to all who are interested into regenerative agriculture!


  • Everyone who wants to spread regenerative agriculture.
  • Everyone who wants to stand up for biodiversity, climate protection and environmental protection.
  • Everyone who recognizes the added value of regional, resilient food production.
  • All who want to stand up for sustainability and a future worth living for our grandchildren.
  • Everyone who wants more trees to be planted.

Why would you support this project?

Together with your support we can make another important showcase. Humans can regenerate ecosystems, actively combat the climate crisis and species extinction, and grow healthy food at the same time!

This is not about us as individuals, but about our common goal of a future worth living for future generations as well.

⭐ If you also want to make a positive contribution to active climate protection, you can help us plant many trees again!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With your financial support, we will plant 50,000 trees and shrubs this winter!

In addition to the plants themselves, the sum allows us to enrich the very depleted soil with high quality compost and rock flour, so that the young plants can also grow well. In addition, the rows of trees are covered with wood chips so that the soil is better protected from drying out. Since we want to protect the young trees in case of drought, the sum also includes drip irrigation.

We will plant the trees in plenty working hours in wind and weather and take care of them in the years to come. This is our contribution for future generations. All this is only possible with your support!

Here is a detailed overview of the costs:
Our Fundingoal

⭐ Help us to show that the production of our food can be climate positive and good for the environment!

⭐ In return for your donation we offer exciting rewards and hope that everyone will find something suitable!

Who are the people behind the project?

We at Hof Lebensberg are a group of people with expertise in agriculture, forestry, environmental science, conservation, sustainability, education, food processing, composting and more, who combine all their experience, courage and will for a regenerative culture, agriculture and society.

The farm Hof Lebensberg is dedicated to regenerative agriculture and, as a model and showcase farm, aims to inspire politicians, farmers and other interested parties to combine climate protection, agriculture and nature conservation.

Our farm community

  • We live and work together.
  • We value and use the knowledge of different generations as well as an open, non-hierarchical communication.
  • We see ourselves as part of a worldwide community of regenerative projects with the goal of co-creating a future worth living.

If you want to learn more about the team of Hof Lebensberg, our way of farming and our vision, feel free to have a look at our website:

Jeder Baum zählt!

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Climate action

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Unsere landwirtschaftlichen Methoden dienen dem Bodenaufbau und der CO2-Speicherung. Gleichzeitig produzieren wir qualitativ hochwertige Lebensmittel, welche bewusst regional verkauft werden.

This project also pays toward those goals

Sustainable consumption
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. - (Martin Luther)
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The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Hof Lebensberg GmbH
Janine Raabe
Kahlforsterhof 1
67823 Obermoschel Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE339506553

8/27/22 - Die Hälfte der Laufzeit ist herum & wir...

Die Hälfte der Laufzeit ist herum & wir haben 66.092€ versammelt - vielen Dank für die Unterstützung! Die Dürre zeigt wie wichtig es ist, dass viele Bäume gepflanzt werden, um den Wasserkreislauf zu stärken. Hierbei sehen wir uns als Hof mit in der Verantwortung.

Durch die wirtschaftliche Lage mag es gerade nicht für Jede*n so einfach sein, andere Projekte finanziell zu unterstützen. Von daher haben wir das Startlevel auf 100.000€ gesenkt, um trotzdem möglichst viele Bäume zu pflanzen!

7/15/22 - Wir wollen noch mehr Bäume pflanzen! Die...

Wir wollen noch mehr Bäume pflanzen! Die Kampagne 'Jeder Baum zählt' läuft genau 3 Monate, vom 7.7 - 7.10.

Every tree counts!
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