Crowdfunding since 2010

Wir bauen einen kulturellen Kosmos aus kreativen Utopien und alternativen Lebensentwürfen.

"In the absence of positive utopias, we seek to cultivate an inertial system that’s able to examine both the divergent truths of social order systems for their suitability within a space of weightless idiocy.” - JK
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Funding period
12/18/17 - 2/21/18
Sommer 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 60,000 €

The first funding goal of 60.000€ will be sufficient to finance the minimal costs to continue the project. (For details see list of necessary investments)

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What is this project all about?

Jonny Knüppel is the stuff dreams are made of. A collective free space, a club, a workshop, a stage, a music studio, a theatre, a cinema, a community, a platform, a garden, a studio, an art piece, a utopia!

We’re putting up a fight against the trend of shifting creative impulses to the outskirts of the city and building a world beyond performance pressure and utilization logic.

"In the absence of positive utopias, we seek to cultivate an inertial system that’s able to examine both the divergent truths of social order systems for their suitability within a space of weightless idiocy."

Along these lines, we oppose disintegration and dare renewal through collective collaboration in times of social upheaval.

Jonny Knüppel: a place of art and culture, a place of encounter and self-realization right in the heart of Berlin.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

From the collected remains of our affluent society emerges a collective work of art, which is subject to constant change. The goal is not the completion, but a constant and active creation process, where everyone can make their own contribution. A place for people who want to develop both strategies against the seriousness of life and experimental idiocy.

Against this background, a symbiosis of the most diverse cultural forms and spaces develops.

Specifically, we work on the implementation of the following areas:

WORLD / Where do all the things come from?
Nature: community garden, renewable energy, sustainability Body: restaurant, yoga, self-defense
Workshop: wood, metal, electronics, bicycle

SPIRIT / Close your eyes, then you see what yours is.
Gallery: showrooms, arts and crafts, studio use
Stage: theater, cinema, performance, acrobatics, dance, literature Club: recording studio, live concerts, parties, radio station

SOCIETY / If only all the people were not...
Action: Foundation, base for subculture and self-organization Institute: workshops, seminars, lectures, discussions, hackerspace Event: events on social and political topics

Jonny Knüppel hosts renowned jazz events and is also the first port of call for pioneers of the electronic music scene. With selected events we want to be an interface for the music scene and contribute our pattern to Berlin nightlife.

Here, theater lovers meet for urban gardening and students of psychology have choir rehearsal. Here the DJ learns from the philosopher, while the pragmatist gets a

lesson in collective work. The computer scientist watches the carpenter - and both build improbable things. The areas of our collective art work interlock, stimulate, and inspire each other and form the diverse structure that we call Jonny Knüppel.

Our arts and cultural site wants to be a ground for subcultures and a space for encounters, offering solution-oriented experimentation and self-realization in order to gain a new understanding of work, productivity, and efficiency.

Building our collective is a process of learning and understanding. Since the problems of such collective work are often universal, we would like to share our experience with everyone and help to realize similar projects. "Each one teach one": We organize ourselves according to the principle that everyone can learn from each other when everyone is ready to pass on and develop skills.

So we are not just talking about parties beyond mainstream and pop culture, not just a playground for adults, but the creation of a self-sufficient collective that can initiate social change.

Why would you support this project?

Is it possible, despite all difficulties, to create a free, cultural and social place in a highly capitalist and gentrified environment?

The world is changing, late capitalism is accelerating the collapse of many well-known ways of life. The social relevance and consequences of this development are clearly noticeable to everyone. Our modern, digitalized world has unprecedented prosperity, whose production has always been based on exploitation other than cooperation.

We want to counteract the tendencies of discrimination and dehumanization, of repression and exclusion, of selfishness and arrogance, as well as of gentrification, loneliness and de-socialization. We do not want to accept this world and simply organize ourselves around it. We want a place where we can re-learn solidarity and actively shape the community. In doing so, we rely on art and culture in all varieties as an unmasking and unifying power in our society.

The long-term goal is the formation of a low-hierarchy cooperative community: a culture of continuous learning and development in which the relationship between work and quality of life can be defined differently.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

On our site, we build everything ourselves. As far as possible, we use donated and recycled material. Of course, the necessary permits must be obtained for all buildings and the claims are immense, especially for sound insulation. After new and unexpected difficulties with our building application, the money to continue our project is missing.

We want to open the next chapter with Jonny Knüppel: The money allows us to complete the construction work that is urgently needed for legal operation.

To help you understand why we need so much money, we disclose our expenses to ensure the greatest possible transparency. Should the campaign generate additional revenue, it will, of course, invariably be invested in our infrastructure.

Absolutely necessary expenses:
● A modern and energy-saving heating system (about 8,000)
● A fire protection wall necessary for our acceptance (about 3,000)
● A low-emission ventilation system for the "Bunga" (about 3,000)
● A reinforced concrete ceiling for the "Bunga" (soundproofing music) (about 20,000)
● Construction of a garden terrace (greening and soundproofing of persons) (about 3,000)
● Construction of a barn (noise protection for persons) (about 5,000)
● Repair and reconstruction of the roofs (about 1.000)
● Soundproofing Report (about 2,700)
● Statics test (about 2,000)
● Fire protection test (about 2,000)
● Architect (about 5,000)
● Laying new power grid (about 1,000)
● New water pipe system (about 500)
● Material costs (wood, screws, steel, glass) (about 4,000)

Other necessary expenses that we can not handle without help:
● Acquisition, removal and modification of containers (about 10,000)
● Transport and logistics costs (about 2,000)
● Construction of a refrigerated warehouse (about 5,000)
● Technology (Music, Light, Office) (about 20,000)
● Rent (up to the opening) (about 28,000) There is a lot to do, but together we can do it!

For your support, we offer a variety of thank yous. Please be understanding if the delivery of the thank you takes some time. Despite our situation, we give our best. We are planning a full delivery of the thank yous after the successful campaign until the summer of 2018. Should it not happen for uncontrollable reasons and unfortunate circumstances despite a successful financing that we can open, we also ask for your understanding. In that case, we will do everything in our power to reciprocate with you.

Who are the people behind the project?

In the first place, you. Thanks!

Already, Jonny Knüppel is a meeting place for a variety of cultural interests. Here people who want to change something get organized. A mélange of artists, scientists, craftsmen, students, and many dazzling figures which no categorization can ever do justice.

Since 2015, a concrete wasteland with two containers and a dilapidated steel skeleton hall has been infrastructurally and musically developed and completely transformed, a continuous process with almost infinite, small steps. The process is punctuated by brilliantly beautiful celebrations, which serve as adequate monuments to the gradually realized potential of our common imagination. Here live stories of euphoric creativity and heartfelt disappointments, a whirl of initial strangeness and a delicate friendship, colorful dreams piled on a gray surface.

The unlikely mix of social and cultural enthusiasts has met the challenges presented by such an undertaking with attention, helpfulness, and responsibility - with the central treasures of human connection.

And maybe we would never have met without the Knüppel.

And so it happens that we are not alone - we have different projects from different areas together:
diskoBABEL e.V. - ravetiere - kopfüber - meetup berlin - omniversal earkestra - jonnys jazz - pong club - die werft - love foundation -

In addition, we are in an active exchange with our friends and partners and hope, after a permit, to continue our cooperation with:

about blank Among Us e.V. Anarche Bipolar
Bucht der Träumer Club Commission Eastcross Projects Entourage Berlin
English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center Eject Systems
FinowZoo Freimeuter Headz Up
Hochschule der populären Künste Holzköpfe
Mensch Meier Monis Rache Moyn Moyn
Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie Panther Ray
Plötzlich am Meer Ram Schakl
Rebellion der Träumer Reclaim Your Clubculture Rummelsbucht
Schön dass ihr da seid Spice Bros Sonntagsinstitut
Squat Deluxe Station Endlos Subessenz
ttt - werkstatttraum Theater & Tapas Voodoohop
Wet Delights

Jonny Knüppel

Legal notice
Jonny Knüppel UG
Tobias Euler
Am Schleusenufer 4a
10997 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE30 2502 179

Steuer-Nr.: 37/367/30928
Ust-Id.: DE30 2502 179
HRB 169131 B (Amtsgericht Charlottenburg)



Ein Ort der Zusammenkunft in einer Welt, die die Menschen getrennt sehen möchte. Eine Experimentieranordnung der Gemeinsamkeit, ein Laboratorium individuellen und kollektiven Potenzials – eine Vision von Menschlichkeit.


Stadtpolitik sägt am Ast des Berliner Charakters
Verdrängung kultureller Graswurzelbewegungen
Wegrationalisierung notwendiger kultureller Institutionen
Wie wollen wir leben?


Wir lassen uns erhellen,
von einem schwarzen Licht.
Was man nicht weiß,
das sieht man auch nicht.

Jonny Knüppel - Zusammenkunftsplanet JK4200
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