Crowdfunding since 2010

Wir bauen einen kulturellen Kosmos aus kreativen Utopien und alternativen Lebensentwürfen.

"In the absence of positive utopias, we seek to cultivate an inertial system that’s able to examine both the divergent truths of social order systems for their suitability within a space of weightless idiocy.” - JK
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Funding period
12/18/17 - 2/21/18
Sommer 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 60,000 €

The first funding goal of 60.000€ will be sufficient to finance the minimal costs to continue the project. (For details see list of necessary investments)

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1,915 Supporter

Lisa Wittig
Lisa Wittig
Stefan van der Burg
Stefan van der Burg
Aiko Okamoto
Aiko Okamoto
Valentino 45
Valentino 45
Katharina Kohlrabi
Katharina Kohlrabi
Sven Sandmeyer
Sven Sandmeyer
Sascha Alexander Siebenäuger
Sascha Alexander Siebenäuger
Paul Hauer
Paul Hauer
Lena O.
Lena O.
Südpol Hamburg
Südpol Hamburg
PHilipp Stoll
PHilipp Stoll
Georgia Samaras
Georgia Samaras
anonymous supports: 419
Jonny Knüppel - Zusammenkunftsplanet JK4200
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