Crowdfunding since 2010
Hello there, I am Singer/Songwriter Melody Found! I’ve been on tour lately, not as usually as solo artist, but with a whole BAND! In my homeland Schleswig-Holstein we had a wonderful audience at the Prinz Willy in Kiel and we recorded the whole infectious concert. I invite you to join this project so I can send you my „Melody Found + BAND – LIVE-CD“ until Christmas; either as CD into your letter-box or as download on your mp3-player. And as a present you get the first song „Es ist Meer“.
Funding period
11/21/14 - 12/20/14
Until Christmas 2014.
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
1,500 €
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Melody Found + BAND _ LIVE im Prinz Willy, Kiel
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