Crowdfunding since 2010

With your help we will release our first album soon. Online, on CD and on Tape!

Join MIRMIX ORKEZTAN on a musical journey around the world! For a long time, we have been composing, rehearsing and playing concerts all over Germany and all the way east and up to the Ural Mountains, before retreating to the studio to work on our first album. Curious about the result? Then join in and help us to publish our first album “Global Grooves”! The record is almost completed, lacking only the final mastering, the artwork and the manufacturing of CDs and tapes.
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Funding period
1/18/18 - 2/23/18
End of february 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 2,500 €

This would be enough to pay all bills for the album production...

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MirMix Orkeztan's first album: "Global Grooves"
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