Crowdfunding since 2010

Set a sign for climate protection with ice skates and dance

Ice skates, contemporary dance, a camera and no ice anywhere close by. no(t)ice is a project of the IceLab Leipzig, which aims to capture the aftermaths of climate change in our region through movement and figure skating in photographs and videos. As a result we aim to publish the photos and videos in a multimedia exhibition. The CO₂ emissions of the project will be balanced with a sponsorship of a tree for the project "Baumstarke Stadt Leipzig".
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Funding period
1/17/21 - 2/14/21
February till April 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 2,500 €

Reaching the minimal goal, we can realize the project and cover all fix costs.

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What is this project all about?

As IceLab Leipzig we want to set a sign for climate protection with a photo and video project.
With Contemporary Dance and improvisation on ice and in the landscape around Leipzig, in Spring time 2021 we want to raise awareness to the aftermaths of the climatic changes in front of our door. We will concentrate on micro changes which have a high impact on the global climate change.

The project needs to happen in Spring time, because:

  • nevertheless the search for nature ice never stops
  • the success of the project is a sign of hope for us and our young dancers - socially as well as financially!
  • still in 2021 we agree: #fighteverycrisis

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The project's goal is to select about 25 photographs, which capture the need for climate protection from our dance perspective. Additionally, moving pictures will form into video sequences.
The process will allow scientific facts and emotional arguments to protects the nature.

In those challenging times we want to give the ice, dance, the human and nature an expression. Pictures can tell more than words sometimes as we realized during one of our last trips. Vivi standing with her skates in her hands barfeet in the ice-cold water - the picture did have more attention then we originally anticipated.

Our target group are humans, which are sustainable thinking art-makers themselves or art-loving environmental activists :-)

Why would you support this project?

  • Dance on and with the ice has a unique potential to make the people aware of the rising temperatures and the following melting of the big ice caps.
  • The Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig became aware of the funding action and the project and is interested in a cooperation for the exhibition "Schnee von gestern"
  • The CO₂ emissioned by the project will be compensated with a sponsorship of a tree ("Baumstarke Stadt" Leipzig)
  • Our pictures and all print media will be printed on recycled paper
  • The result will be a multi-media exhibition
  • The IceLab Leipzig is unique for its projects in the connection of figure skating, contemporary dance and current global topics.
  • Give young artists a perspective for 2021!
  • The project shows the supporters and the audience an option to stay active and to grow common goals together
  • The publication will be possible pandemic-conform

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Smallest contributions can go to the simplest things:

  • hot tea and coffee on tour
  • bananas and cookies for the break
  • a few kilometers with the carsharing car
  • a parking ticket
  • an online ad on social media for the publication
  • picture print and frames
  • rewards :)
  • costs for the crowdfunding platform (7%)

Medium contributions can move all different things:

  • stress-free, concentrated working, because we don't have to get busy with other income options all the time
  • costume maker
  • photographers and film-makers
  • picture prints on bigger formats
  • the rent for the exhibition-room
  • financing a platform, which would take over a digital publication
  • bigger data medium for high-quality documentation (e.g. harddrive)
  • online-talk about our work, art and climate protection

Main contributions will help:

  • to pay the honorar of the dancers and project-leaders
  • drives with Teilauto (carsharing in Leipzig)

With our project we want to give our dancers a perspective. Especially our studying members are challenged by the hard Corona-safety rules in Leipzig and Saxony, Germany.
Many side-jobs vanished, the financial situation is critical. All finances, which are not needed for logistics, will be spent to 100% on honorars.

In average we are on tour for 4 hours, before we have to go back to warm up. During the trip we drive around 30k. The rent of a carsharing-car costs:
4 hours time price: about 11,- €
30k kilometer price: about 9,- €
Approximately we will need around 10 tours, to gather good footage and movement-material.
Total: about 200,- €

Who are the people behind the project?

Katja Grohmann is dancer, visionary and outdoor guide. She skated as seniors in figure skating competitions for Germany until 2010. Since 2010 she skated in performances in Germany and Netherlands. Since 2014 she is working in outdoor education and manages excursions and expeditions.
Many self-sufficient travels brought her through the Canadian wilderness, into the snow-covered mountains of Switzerland and on to the ice-fields of Sweden.
In 2020 she founded the IceLab Leipzig as the first platform for dance and movement-research on the ice in central Germany.
Her vision is, that the humans in the art and culture world realize their responsibility and that they use their skills and fields to set unique points for the protection of the earth.

Vivien Reichel is dancer at the IceLab Leipzig and at the Leipziger Tanztheater. She is a former competitive figure skater. Today she is travelling to Scandinavia to hike or bike through the nature, to discover her and to be in touch with her. She is studying Physical Geography at the university of Leipzig. Each day she hears about the aftermaths of the climate changes and the meanings for our lifes.
Now, she wants to connect the theoretical insight from her studies with her art and to get active with dance to make climate change visible. For her, the artistic activism stands in the foreground.

The pandemic is showing, that the human is able to react fast to act and to change processes, if emergency arises. There is hope for the future - and for the present. Because the global warming and its consequences can only be stopped with long-term planning and actions.

Legal notice
IceLab Leipzig, Inh. Katja Grohmann
Katja Grohmann
Helmholtzstraße 1
04177 Leipzig Deutschland

Steuernummer: 232 / 225 / 05984

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