Crowdfunding since 2010
Imagine in a dream, you realise that you're dreaming and suddenly you're in 100% control of what you will do next. What sounds fantastic, is actually possible. It's called lucid dreaming and what's best about it: Everybody is capable to do it! How? This is what we are going to show you in our documentary short. On top we will add many more useful tips and stories, visualised through fantastic visual effects.
Funding period
8/24/15 - 9/27/15
Winter 2015/16
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
2,950 €
Movie / Video
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Noch 20 Tage

Timo Hanczuk
Timo Hanczuk1 min Lesezeit

Die Liste wird immer länger!
DANKE an alle, die uns diese Woche bei unserer Crowdfunding Kampagne unterstützt haben:
Roxanne Schulz
Carsten Literski
Martin Bengsch
Gabriela Knoch
Julia Krüger
Barbara Röcher
Cecilia Raffaelli
Lea Dähne
Uwe Krüger
Gregor Spychala
Marlise Brauchli
Steffi Einspunktnull
Marius Brückner
Dominik Lohkemper
Gabi Grassl
und vorallem Simon Rausch, der nicht nur unser Interviewpartner, Klarträumer, Autor des einzigartigen "Oneironaut - Das Klartraum-Praxishandbuch" und Gründer des" KT-Forum" ist, sondern nun auch unser Hauptsponsor! Vielen Dank, Simon!

Wir haben noch drei Wochen um das Projekt zu stemmen, wirklich jede Unterstützung und jeder Euro bringt uns einen Schritt näher, unseren Traum umzusetzen. Let's do this!


Thank you to everyone who supported our Crowdfunding campaign so far. We really appreciate it! Especially thank you to SImon Rausch, who is not only one of our interviewees, writer and founder of Lucid Dreaming books and internet platforms, but in addition the main sponsor of our project. So - thank you, Simon!

Now we have another 3 weeks to reach our Crowdfunding goal. Every kind of support helps, no matter how much it is. Let's do this!

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

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  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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