Crowdfunding since 2010

The planning for my second album started a long time ago - this year I finally want to do it. /// Sprache ändern über das Menü links oben.

My first solo album has been recorded and produced in Brisbane, Australia back in 2011. My playing improved a lot since then. So time has come for a new album. I have many ideas, I already had a test run at the studio and some great guest musicians can't wait to be part of the production. The new album is meant to include all the different facettes of my music and I want it to be a high level production in terms of skills and quality. That's why I decided to start a crowd funding campaign.
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Funding period
9/12/17 - 11/11/17
Early 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 500 €

When reaching the first goal I'll start with the recordings. The costs for recording & production will be much higher. That's why I added a second goal.

Halle (Saale)
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