Crowdfunding since 2010
The plug&play workspace is a mobile Atelier made of shipping containers. It saves costs through the use of recycled materials and still conforms to base level building requirements. Together with other mobile rooms, it can be temporarily parked on grounds dedicated to cultural and artistic activities, for example on the ground of the association "contain't" in the city of Stuttgart. At this location, 20 parcels for mobile studios will soon be available to rent.
Funding period
3/27/15 - 5/20/15
About 2-3 months after success
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
20,000 €
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Kunst Sta(d)tt Bau

Marta Toscano
Marta Toscano1 min Lesezeit

Liebe UnterstützerInnen,

im Laufe unseres gemeinsamen Weges zur Ateliergemeinschaft haben wir viele neue Leute getroffen und kennengelernt, die sich für contain't interessiert und wichtige Impulse geleistet haben.
Sie beteiligen sich auf die verschiedensten Art und Weisen um unser Projekt zu verwirklichen.

Während der Vorbereitungsphase hat uns der angehende Musikjournalist Jakob Bauer von der HfM in Karlsruhe besucht und einen wundervollen TV Beitrag gedreht.
Wir finden, dass in dem Video die aktuelle Situation des Vereins sehr gut erklärt wird und hoffen, dass es ein Input ist, um contain't weiter zu unterstützen!

Euer plug&play Team

English Version:

Dear supporters,

on our way towards the realisation of the artists' workshops community, we've met lots of new people who showed interest for contain't and our project.
The young music journalist Jakob Bauer, from the HfM in Karlsruhe, visited us last January during the workshop and produced a beautiful short video about the actual situation at contain't.

We want to share it with you, because, even if it's only in german, this video explains pretty well what's going on here and we hope, it can be an input to keep on supporting our project!

Your plug&play team

Privacy notice

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
contain't e.V.
Simon Wallenda
Güterstr. 10
70372 Stuttgart Deutschland

Vereinsregisternummer: VR720978
Gemeinnützig seit: 10.11.2011
Steuernummer: 99015/31425

Weitere Information:



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plug & play workspace - mobile ateliers in shipping containers

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