Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Johann Angermann

Deutschland / Pfaffenhofen

Johann Angermann believes in good ideas and that dreams can and should come true. He is an artist, actor and musician and loves to combine all of his talents in his projects. As a videographer he is cameraman, editor and producer all in one person. With his project Guts for Change he realized his first big multimedia Campaign where he raised funds for a sanitation project in India und crowdfunded his first movie. His films have been shown on ARTE Future and on the German TV channel RTL.

Johann started making videos while studying Media & Communication Science at the University of Passau. Together with a friend he produced funny clips about the city and student life for Youtube. After sending in one of the videos he got offered to present a youth magazine for local television (TRP1). Consequently he gained experience as presenter for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, as an Actor in music videos and short films for TV in Germany and Brazil, as producer for a Brazilian documentary and as Videographer for Joachim Herz Stiftung and other clients.

As a member of Guts for Change Johann has undertaken two adventurous journeys to India, one travelled by bicycle in 2012 and the other one hitchhiked in 2014. Both trips were part of campaigns to raise awareness for the global sanitation crisis and fundraising for sanitation projects in India. Johann documented the endeavors of the Guts for Change Team and produced two movies showing the process of these projects.

The concept of combining adventurous trips and social projects has proven to be successful. Although producing independently by crowdfunding their movies with a low budget approach, Guts for Change projects have managed to get mass media coverage and had major influence on the success of sanitation projects in both in Germany and India.

Johann believes that everybody has the power to change things and make the world a bit better. Videography is a powerful tool to reach people’s hearts and convey one’s ideals and beliefs. With Guts for Change he hopes to inspire others and motivate them to realize their dreams!

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Bahnwärter Thiel

Rette den Atelierpark! Ein Ort auf Augenhöhe.

Um die Kulturstätte Bahnwärter Thiel entsteht seit über zwei Jahren ein Atelierpark. Hilf uns dieses Projekt fertigzustellen!
49,013 € (123%)
Rette den Atelierpark! Ein Ort auf Augenhöhe.
12/06/2020 Olympia


Ermögliche mit uns das größte Demokratie Festival
2,078,649 € (115%)

mimycri - from boats to bags

it's time to write a new story – with your support we design bags out of broken rubberboats and create job opportunities for refugees.
43,166 € (432%)
mimycri - from boats to bags
Landrauschen Kollektiv


Dein Heimatfilm
10,670 € (152%)


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110,601 € (147%)

Stuttgart ↔ Berlin: travel fair and for low prices

Train travel fair and for low prices – with Locomore starting September 2016 from Stuttgart to Berlin via Frankfurt and Hanover. Each way is operated
259,910 € (108%)
Stuttgart ↔ Berlin: travel fair and for low prices