Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card
Martin Kluck

Martin Kluck

Deutschland / Stuttgart

Habari zenu!
Hello and thank you for visiting our Crowdfunding page! My name is Martin from Stuttgart and I founded the social enterprise Kipepeo-Clothing [/ b] (Butterfly in Kiswahili) 10 years ago. We produce fair adults, children's and baby clothing that is 100% sourced and produced on the East Coast of Africa. This is how we create jobs and perspectives in the local textile industry.

The special thing about our clothing, however, are the motifs. All of them are created during the regular school lessons at Kipepeo- school projects in Tanzania and Kenya. By selling these unique products we support the schools where the designs are created by paying schoolfees and even for building new school buildings. You can find all our projects on our website.

Thanks for your support and if you´ve any questions, feel free to ask!

Asanteni Sana!



EYD 2.0 – mit Mode Menschenleben verändern

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23,623 € (118%)
EYD 2.0 – mit Mode Menschenleben verändern
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Das Debutalbum
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Anderswo. Allein in Afrika

EssensWelten // Social Foodtruck

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1,820 € (10%)
EssensWelten // Social Foodtruck