Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Adrian Zimmermann

Schweiz / Zürich

The T3 Marketplace Initiative is consisting of the following longterm T3 Agencies supported by the T3 GmbH:

Pagemachine AG, Frankfurt, Voker Neuenhaus
snowflake productions gmbh, Zürich, Adrian Zimmermann
web-vision GmbH, Mönchengladbach, Boris Hinzer

We had a lot of discussions at T3 events the last months which resulted in a survey from which we could extract strong tendencies that a T3 Marketplace should be online soon. Since one of the goals of the TYPO3 GmbH business plan is indeed to create a marketplace for TYPO3 and is forseen in the actual planning in 2019 for a first release. Various community members see an earlier demand for the marketplace and would therefore welcome to have it earlier. Therefore we formed the T3 Marketplace Initiative Group to support the T3A and the T3 GmbH to push this project, for we think, will help TYPO3 A LOT with the purpose to create a platform that allows to offer extensions, themes and services on a commercial basis.

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