Crowdfunding since 2010

Your contribution to culinary landscape preservation - save restaurant Bastard from bankruptcy

With your help and support, we would like to prevent the bankruptcy of restaurant Bastard. A very loyal fan base celebrates our existents every day. Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner – freshly prepared and quickly served food makes your hearts beat faster. Let’s keep Bastard alive!
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Funding period
2/9/18 - 3/11/18
4 weeks
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 21,500 €

If we’ll manage to reach the 1st Funding goal we are able to prevent bankruptcy and pay for most of the costs incurred.

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262 Supporter

Freya Lütten
Freya Lütten
Freya Lütten
Freya Lütten
Flora Fährmann
Flora Fährmann
Rodrigo Guevara
Rodrigo Guevara
Rodrigo Guevara
Rodrigo Guevara
Mira Mahn
Mira Mahn
Meike Schneider
Meike Schneider
Jessica Brown
Jessica Brown
Julia You
Julia You
Claus Kuhlmann
Claus Kuhlmann
Wolfgang u. Christina Lotzmann
Wolfgang u. Christina Lotzmann
Gordon Klupsch
Gordon Klupsch
anonymous supports: 72

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