Crowdfunding since 2010

Soya the Cow is a singer, a dreamer and an activist. With her voice and irresistible beats, she fights for the freedom of all animals (incl. humans).

Soya the Cow is currently producing her first album due to be released in spring. She was born to inspire, challenge the status quo and fight for animals and those whose voices are not heard. Standing for love, freedom and climate justice for every being on this planet, she is ready to share her music with the world. To do this she needs your help!
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Funding period
1/17/20 - 2/17/20
February - June 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 15,000 €

This amount covers the expenses for the album production (recording sessions, final mix and mastering) and for three music videos.

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What is this project all about?

The human species has managed to completely push life on earth out of balance. I have a dream of a world where we treat each other with respect, compassion and kindness. My songs spread words and values that go beyond the idea of humankind, beyond nationalities, races, classes, gender, sexual orientations and species. The big civil rights movements and revolutions in history had their soundtracks and I want to be a voice for the animals and for the environment. Hopefully my album and my music videos will make people dance, laugh, cry, think and act...

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The things going on behind the closed doors of factory farms and slaughterhouses break my heart. Seeing entire ecosystems burning to ashes, others completely destroyed by humans and their greed for profit, I sometimes really don't know how to cope with all this. Soya the Cow is my answer to those overwhelming feelings of anger, sadness, despair and shock, my way to fight and transform them into art and activism.

We are in the middle of an unprecedented environmental emergency and we need to transform our mentalities and our ways of living in order to preserve life on this planet.

My music should reach and touch everybody. Once my album and my music videos are released, I want to go on tour as Soya, sing at concerts, festivals and protests. And I hope that my music encourages some long-term dedicated activists to keep up their amazing work.

Why would you support this project?

Because you are a citizen of the world, because you breathe and drink water, because you want to live and thrive and you wish the same for the future generations, because you love to laugh and cuddle with an animal friend, because you love freedom and a night under the stars. Because you love your friends and the beauty of a flower. Because you love to live. Because you love to dream. Because you need hope.

There is nobody like Soya the Cow. She is an alien in the music industry with powerful songs, challenging world-views and a unique look. Soya is the human ally that animals need and she has the determination and the will to shake things up and to scare those who cling on to the destructive, toxic and violent systems that belong to the past.

You can support Soya with a donation. Your contribution allows Soya to bring an important and urgent conversation on the menu.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Till today, the whole project of Soya the Cow was only possible through savings and helpful people who worked for free, since they believe in the project. Now I need help to finance the last recording sessions in the studio, the final mix and mastering of my songs, so I can finish and release the album.

Also, it will allow me to invest in the making of three music videos that I'm working on with a women's video collective in Lausanne (CH), bringing a visually powerful new dimension to my songs and help Soya to reach new audiences.

With the second funding goal reached, I'll be able to pay all my collaborators (costumes, masks, udders, make-up, photography, production, communication) and to continue building up my art and activism.

Who are the people behind the project?

Growing up in Zürich, Switzerland, I was singing in a Boy's choir and in the opera. Later on, I studied music and theater and became an artist and an activist who had the chance to be able to present his work in many theaters and festivals in the world. Behind Soya the Cow is a joyful man with a kind heart and a strong sense for social justice. This project is where all my dreams come together, because it allows me to use my voice and my platform for something bigger than myself. Soya is powerful and fearless and she gives me hope.

Soya is surrounded by an international community of artists, activists and friends who have been supporting her all along. With them the project has been able to grow to where we are today. I am deeply grateful to have these people around me.

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

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  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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Soya the Cow - album & music video production
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