Crowdfunding since 2010

Essbare EisLöffel zur Reduktion des Plastikmülls

Every year, up to 360,000,000 plastic ice cream spoons are produced in Germany which end up in the trash after a single use. We have developed a formula for making edible ice cream spoons. Our innovative idea is to use edible dietary fibers. This makes our spoons vegan, without added sugar, super delicious and sustainable #dontwasteittasteit
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Funding period
9/6/18 - 9/10/18
September/ Oktober 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 10,000 €

With € 10,000 we can buy a first roller, start production for the prototype and take further optimizations.

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What is this project all about?

With our project Spoontainable we offer a sustainable alternative to the plastic spoon. We want to draw attention to the high quantities of plastic waste and make eating ice cream sustainable.

That's why we carefully selected the components of our ice cream spoons so we could develop a recipe that is vegan, with no added sugar and high in fiber. With the addition of dietary fibers, we use residues that make our spoon sustainable and innovative. Herefore we have already submitted our patent.

And these are our tastes:
Chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon, strawberry and lemon

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our goal is to take a small step forward into a plastic-free world with every edible ice cream spoon that replaces a plastic ice spoon.
In addition, we want to stimulate a plastic-free lifestyle and prove how delicious, sustainable and healthy this can be!

Our target group are ice cream parlors in the first place - but in the next step we also address all people, like you and us - to all ice cream lovers who prefer to eat the spoon rather than give it up :-)

Our sustainable ice cream spoon is just the beginning. With your help we can make the world a bit better together. And above all, yummy!

Why would you support this project?

We want to fight actively against the plastic garbage and that with your help!
Our ice cream spoon is to be established in as many ice cream parlors as possible and shall encourage people to think environmentally consciously. In order to make our alternative accessible to as many people as possible, we need your support:

Help us to start the first production to bring the ice cream spoon to the ice cream parlors.

Help us to liberate the world a little bit more from plastic and set a sign!

Don't waste it - taste it!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

After the successful financing, we can start production of industrial machines.
Due to the health regulations, it is not possible to sell our ice cream spoons out of our kitchen.

We work with a professional partner, established in the pastry industry for many years. In addition to the vegan preparation, he also supports us in product optimization.

For our first production we need a special roller with our spoon shape and of course lots of ingredients. Then, with the help of distribution partners, we will build up our distribution channels and distribute our spoons throughout Germany.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are a great team, led by Amelie, Anja and Julia!

Through our interdisciplinary composition of nutritional science students who like experimenting with recipes and the management students who love building a sustainable business, we have created a product with which you can make your very own contribution against plastic waste.

Your personal support is very important to us - because you can change something!
Tell everyone about our idea and make the world a little bit more beautiful :-)

Greetings from your Spoonies,

Amelie, Julia & Anja
Daniela, Karla, Jessy and Jana


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Spoontainable UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Julia Piechotta
Kaiserstraße 24
70599 Stuttgart Germany


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Coffee to go again

Julia Post hat bereits eine erfolgreiche Crowdfunding Kampagne zur Reduzierung der Einwegkafeebecher durchgeführt. Ihr tolles Buch "Besser Machen Statt Besser Wissen" erhaltet Ihr in unseren Dankeschöns.

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