Crowdfunding since 2010

The way you wake up affects every day of your life. Start your days with the sunrise as the most natural way to awake. –––handmade–––

Wouldn’t it be awesome to softly wake up with dawn, no matter how early your work day begins, how early the kids have to go to school, or how long the winter nights get? This 3-in-1 sunrise-shelf simulates dawn and a clear-sky sunrise over the course of half an hour, to give you a sensational start into the day. Simply set your desired time of sunrise on the app, insert the plug from the dial into the socket of your smartphone and take a good night’s sleep. May the dawn be with you!
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Funding period
3/3/21 - 4/11/21
March 2021 to September 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 18,000 €

With this goal we can finance the remaining development steps, set up the production and produce your sunrise-shelves. – just as in the timeline above –

Gronau (Westfalen)
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Wie funktioniert Crowdfunding? / How does crowdfunding work?

Eamon Nethe
Eamon Nethe2 min Lesezeit

(English version below)
Wie funktioniert Crowdfunding? Kurz erklärt für diejenigen, die mit dem Konzept noch nicht vertraut sind.

  • Zuallererst brauchen wir Aufmerksamkeit: Bitte teilt das Projekt, denn es müssen jetzt so viele Leute davon erfahren wie möglich. Wir bedanken uns für deine Hilfe!
  • Des Weiteren kannst du dir ein Dankeschön auf der Crowdfunding Seite aussuchen. Dies ist eine Gegenleistung, die du zugesandt bekommst für einen vordefinierten Spendenbetrag: Das kann das sunrise-shelf sein oder eine andere kleinere Belohnung.
  • Außerdem kannst du uns mit einer flexiblen Spende auf der Crowdfunding Kampagne unterstützen.

Gut zu wissen: Alle Spenden werden erst dann eingesammelt, wenn das Projekt erfolgreich finanziert ist. Sonst werden keine Zahlungen ausgeführt.

How does crowdfunding work? A very short summary for those who are new to it.

  • First of all we need the word to be spread: Please share the project! That is great, because we need as many people to hear of it as possible. Thanks for your help.
  • Secondly you can choose a reward from the crowdfunding campaign. This is a gift you receive for a fixed donation: This can be the sunrise-shelf itself, for those who actually would like to have one, or a smaller reward.
  • And thirdly you can choose to help us with a flexible donation via the crowdfunding campaign.

Good to know: All donations are only collected, if and when the funding campaign reaches its goal. Otherwise no transfers are made!

The crowdfunding project was not successful and can no longer be supported.

  • All orders and payments have been automatically cancelled and reversed.
  • You have questions? Contact the Startnext support team.
What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Eamon Gawain Nethe
Brookstraße 1
48599 Gronau Deutschland

Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE336224673

sunrise-shelf, wake up naturally
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