Crowdfunding since 2010

The sustainable fashion startup VinoKilo, a team of 100+ people, has been hit hard by the COVID-Crisis. Help us now, so we can help you later!

VinoKilo pursues the mission to give people a sustainable alternative to the fast-fashion with Vintage Kilo Sale events. By now, we have touched the lives of 300.000+ Vintage Lovers. Unfortunately, the pandemic is threatening to stop us from fulfilling our mission. We are asking you to help us now, by pre-buying your kilos that you can redeem at any future event. By doing this, you will be supporting us shaping a more sustainable fashion world, together with and for you!
Privacy notice
Funding period
4/24/20 - 5/31/20
24th April 2020 - 31 May 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 40,000 €

Our Monthly costs, including Rent & Building Maintenance, Salaries, Services
and Extra Costs. [more info in the next paragraphs]

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VinoKilo needs your Support!
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