Crowdfunding since 2010
THE FLOOD is a story that is recounted in 30 songs (almost 80 minutes). Words and music by Anis (June - Oct. 2012). Styles: rock, blues, ballade, ragtime, country, folk, soul, reggae, tango, 6/8, shanty, bossa nova a.o. Plot: A man loses his memory in a shipwreck and falls in love on an exotic island where he meets the peoples of the beach, the mountain and the woods and gets confronted with an injustice. The legendary John Henry is part of the story, too.
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Funding period
1/10/13 - 3/17/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
3,800 €
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19 Supporter

Charlotte Grell
Charlotte Grell
Boujemaa Mouatassim
Boujemaa Mouatassim
Johanna Burger
Johanna Burger
Christoph Fuhrken
Christoph Fuhrken
Sabine Yacoub
Sabine Yacoub
Holger Gechter
Holger Gechter
Achmed Khammas
Achmed Khammas
Charles Matthews
Charles Matthews
katrin Ackfeld
katrin Ackfeld
Wolfgang Driesch
Eva-Maria Altena
Eva-Maria Altena
Waltraud Boxall
Waltraud Boxall
anonymous supports: 10

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