Crowdfunding since 2010

Book "Einfach Weisheit und Liebe - Venusische Spiritualität" by Omnec Onec ("From Venus I Came") and Anja Schäfer.

The idea to create this book came in 2011 to me while I was touring with Omnec Onec on the occasion of the release of her main work (The Venusian Trilogy) in Germany. The English version of my bookproject titled "Simply Wisdom and Love - Venusian Spirituality" was published in 2015. Now, I finished the German edition and would love to have it printed. This book is wonderful, because its information supports the raise of human conciousness and thereby the Transformation Process of the Earth.
Funding period
2/25/16 - 4/15/16
Innerhalb weniger Monate
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Minimum amount (Start level): €
1,500 €
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Video Talk with Omnec Onec at the Mount Shasta Summer Conference 2015

Anja Schäfer
Anja Schäfer1 min Lesezeit

Dear friends of Omnec Onec!

First of all I, Anja, would like to express my gratitude for your participation at our first crowdfunding project! In the first 11 days, we could already collect 470 Euros, which is almost a third of what we need.

For those of you who know Omnec or who would like to experience her:

  • Finally online! Omnecs talk with questions and answers at the Mount Shasta Summer Conference 2015 (see link). When you click on the video-link, you can also read about the details of the talk. Much of what Omnec talks about is also included in the book that we want to finance with this project.
  • In summer 2016, Omnec comes to Europe again. We are going to publish the schedule soon.

Lots of love - and please share the info about this project with your friends.

See you soon


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DISCUS Publishing
Anja Schäfer
Deutwanger Str. 21
78355 Hohenfels Germany

DISCUS Publishing is a young publishing company for evolvement and inspiration. Our focus lies on the publication of books to help raise humans consciousness. The book titled "Simply Wisdom and Love - Venusian Spirituality" by Omnec Onec and Anja Schäfer

Book "Einfach Weisheit und Liebe" by Omnec Onec
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