Crowdfunding since 2010
possible.movement concerns itself with the interface between choreography, drawing and composition. For the last four years the group has spent time searching for a language between different art forms. The context between movement, sound, and graphic, as well as between composition, improvisation and notation is of primary interest for the group.
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Funding period
4/16/13 - 6/27/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
600 €
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16 Supporter

Ben Laden
Veronika Schwinger
Joan Naldal
Anja Wünsch
Anja Wünsch
Sabine Jenni
Sabine Jenni
Andrea Jenni
Andrea Jenni
david bloom
david bloom
Daniela Dröscher
Daniela Dröscher
Lisa Ose
Lisa Ose
Sebastian Teutsch
Sebastian Teutsch
anonymous supports: 6

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