Crowdfunding since 2010

藝術創作與文化交流工作室 Space for Artistic Practise and Intercultural Dialogue

在這二十多年之間我做了關於歐洲與亞洲的藝術作品,於今年2017年十月開始為期一年,我打算在臺北構築一個專屬於藝術工作與文化交流的創作空間。台北空間會提供住宿:國外對於文化交流的來台者可以住一到四個月認識臺灣,研究文化,介紹自己的創作。 After 20 years of artistic work in-between Europe and the Far East I plan to establish a space for artistic work and intercultural dialogue in Taipei for one year starting this autumn. 'Taipei Space' will also provide a guestroom for those who are interested to come and get inspired by culture and people on location within a few days or do research for up to one month...
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Funding period
8/20/17 - 9/24/17
10/2017 - 09/2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 10,000 €

With 10000€ it will be possible to sign the rent contract and start the project. The sum covers the larges part of the annual rent...

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台北空間 · Taipei Space
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