Crowdfunding since 2010

Nachhaltiges, gesundes und leckeres Heimtierfutter aus Insekten. Lasst uns gemeinsame die Welt und ihre Tiere glücklicher machen!

We are the Bug Brothers from Bonn: Hendrik, Lukas and Philipp. We are passionate food savers, engineers and eco-entrepreneurs with a love for animals. After a long search and research we created an animal food that hits the right balance between healthy, sustainable and delicious. 100% natural food made from black soldier flies. Support us in our mission to make the world and its animals happier - one larva at a time.
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Funding period
3/26/21 - 5/2/21
Autumn 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 8,000 €

Das Geld brauchen wir, um noch mehr Tiere glücklich machen zu können. Wir kaufen damit Maschinen, die es uns erlauben unsere Kapazitäten deutlich zu erhöhen.

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What is this project all about?

We want to make even more animals happy with our insect food and do good for the environment in the process. For this we need more and bigger technology. With your support we are getting closer to our vision of a more natural and sustainable animal nutrition!

Why do we breed the black soldier fly and why is it a real alternative protein source in animal feed:

  • 15,500 times less water, 100 times less emissions, 12.5 times less space compared to cattle: We rely on the Black Soldier Fly. It's 100% natural, healthy and delicious. It can replace soy and fishmeal in animal feed.
  • Organic Waste: The Black Soldier Fly can enhance any type of organic waste into high quality protein. Through our partnerships with regional fruit farms and farmers, we are able to accept organic waste materials that would otherwise require expensive disposal. Our black soldier fly larvae thus become an important part of the circular economy.
  • Zero Waste: The larvae are excellent animal feed, but there are also an incredible amount of good nutrients in their frass. We are currently researching the frass of the larva with various helpers to be able to offer it as natural fertilizer in the future. So everything in our process is used and there is no waste.
  • Rainforest deforestation: Every minute an area as big as 30 soccer fields of rainforest is cut down - this area is used for soy monocultures. Yet just 20% of global soy is grown for human consumption. 80% is for animal feed. Our black soldier fly larva requires only a fraction of the area to produce the same amount of protein and therefore does not lead to deforestation of the rainforest.
  • Overfishing of the oceans: One-third of global fish stocks are severely overfished. Two-thirds are at the limit of maximum exploitation. Yet 30% of the global fish catch ends up back in the mouths of fish in aquaculture. Our black soldier fly larvae work well as a substitute for fishmeal, providing a more sustainable and less environmentally damaging source of protein.
  • For all animals: Our larva is suitable for just about all animals. It has 75 times more calcium than a mealworm, a balanced calcium-phosphorus ratio, and 3 times more vitamin B1 than most other feeder insects. So they are incredibly healthy and easy to digest.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

So far we breed our larvae in a small space in our parents' garden shed. There we can only produce about 100kg of larvae per month. Originally we thought that this would be enough to make a few customers happy and to grow slowly.

However, we are constantly sold out and the feedback from our customers is overwhelming. So the goal is to purchase machines that will allow us to produce 1,000kg of larvae per month.

We urgently need larger boxes and shelves for breeding, a mechanical sieve to separate the larvae from their frass and a dryer to dry the larvae after their species-specific devitalization.

If you own one or more animals, or you just care about the welfare of our environment and animals, our products are for you! We offer a delicious and healthy food that uncompromisingly reduces the conventional, ecological pawprint.

Why would you support this project?

Together, we can make the world and animals happier - one larva at a time.

Dare to rethink animal food. Your animals will thank you for it! With our insect-based products, we have created a true alternative to soy and fish meal, which are proven to harm the environment and nature.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

So far, everything is manual work for us. We feed by hand, we fill, weigh, label our packaging and even separate that larvae and frass by hand. A bit like traditional gold digging with less shine and more stench.

To reach even more animals and their keepers we need to invest in machines to make our work easier so that by the fall of 2021 we can be producing around 1,000kg per month.

The machines we need are a mechanical sieve, an industrial drum dryer, an automatic feeding machine, shelves and larger boxes.

Who are the people behind the project?

Philipp - The Larval Whisperer.
Civil engineer on paper and larva whisperer at heart. At Bug Brothers, I am responsible for raising our larvae from egg to pre-pupa. With this role, I manage the balancing act between my many years of experience in sustainable and resource-saving construction and my passion: foodsaving.

Lukas - The Foodie
Screwdrivers and sneakers. At Bug Brothers, I'm responsible for preparing our products for you in the best possible way. I can't sit still for long, unless it's to work out our machines and processes. In the lecture hall I study mechanical engineering, but in my private life my passion is nutrition and fitness.

Hendrik - Lord of the Flies.
Finance, flying, reproduction. At Bug Brothers I am responsible for the finances and controlled reproduction of our flies. My years of experience as an investment banker and eco-entrepreneur benefit our young company and the rearing of our larvae breeding. I like to work with calculator and scales in our "Fly Love Cage".

Bug Brothers

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
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Bug Brothers
Hendrik Büchner
Zedernweg, 22
53125 Bonn Deutschland

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