Crowdfunding since 2010
„Coming and Going“ is a feature-length documentary that might take you on a journey into your heart. Through life and world in the eyes of two couples of young brothers, you may also experience part of the happiness and sadness, wishes and disappointments, hopes and challenges of everyday life of the young migrant workers and their left-behind children in hinterland of China.
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Funding period
11/7/12 - 1/13/13
Minimum amount (Start level): €
4,000 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

"Coming and Going“ will be a feature-length documentary around 80 minutes. It concentrates on the living situation of migrant workers through the eyes of two couples of young brothers in China.
The 6 and 8 years old Lu brothers live in a small village in the 2500 meters high mountain area of southeast province Yunnan. Like most other kids at their age they spend a lot of time learning reading and writing at school, they love candies and snacks and have best friends, favorite teachers and most uninterested courses. Shortly before the local new years day is always the most excited moment for them, because it's the time they can finally jump into the arms of their fathers again, who normally works as a migrant worker in the northeast province Shandong. While the Lu brothers are anxiously waiting for their father's return from city after one year, the teenager brothers Li from the backhill of the village need to decide if they should leave their alcoholic father and the hometown to make their living in the city, as migrant workers.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

"Coming and Going“ is a feature-length documentary for international cinemas, TV, film festivals and public screenings. The film deals with a socially relevant issue of migrant workers which concerns not only China but also the rest of the world who benefit from the economic booms, and might bring the audience to reconsider the effects and consequences of urbanization.

Why would you support this project?

We have already spent more than one year for the preparation of this project: to find our protagonists, write the concept, figure out the potential storylines, and to search for financial supports. Last winter Tianlin traveled to south-east China to do the field research and has collected some footage in two 2500 meters high villages where our protagonists live. In february 2013 we are going there for the one-month shooting. That's why we are asking for your kind support!

Every support you make today will help us move towards finishing this film- even it's a small amount. We really want to finish this film and show it to more people, because for those teenagers and children in the hinterland of China, it means more international attentions, and might even give them another chance and a different way of life than their parents. We also believe that it will be a good story that can actually sparkle some social debates in the positive sense.
Please support and share with your family and friends, because this project can only be achieved with a high quality by your taking part in it.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money collected here will support our shooting by covering the travel costs, accommodation, catering and equipment rents.
For the concerning costs of the post-production (Editor, color-correction, Sound-design etc.) and the for the marketing we have already applied funds from different film foundations.
Once the film is finished, the premiere would be between the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. We will keep you informed about the screening dates and places as well as its distributions.

Thank you very much!

Kim and Tianlin

Who are the people behind the project?

Kim Münster , 30
creative producer
Kim has studied at the der FH Dortmund film/television and is finish her diploma film "Nur das Beste" / "only the best". A documantary about perfection, supported of the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. Since 2008 she is working as a freelancer and filmmaker. She produced numerous fiction and documantary shortfilm, musiclips, commercial and longer documantary for the renting and sale agency "Medienprojekt Wuppertal".

Tianlin Xu , 26
Bachelor in German Philology and „Television & Radio Editing and Directing“ at Coummunication University of China. Master in „International Media Studies“ at Deutsche-Welle Academy. Used to be the Project-Coordinator of Goethe-Insitut Beijing. Since 2008 she's been working as a freelancer journalist. She started film-making in 2009, loved it and still in love with it.

The project is supported of the non-profit-making union Vollbild . More information:

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4/11/13 - Hallo zusammen,wer unser Treiben auf facebook...

Hallo zusammen,wer unser Treiben auf facebook bisher nicht verfolgt hat, hier ein kleines Update:Wir konnten das Konfuzius Institut Düsseldorf als offiziellen Partner für uns gewinnen, was uns sehr freut.Durch ein paar Ereignisse bei unseren Protagonisten in China hat sich der geplante Dreh in den April verschoben.Aber nun geht es in ein paar Tagen für Tianlin Xu und Chris Caliman wieder nach China. Wir werden während des Drehs auf facebook berichten. An dieser Stelle noch einmal ein Dankeschön, dass ihr uns dies ermöglicht.Ganz liebe GrüßeKim

1/11/13 - Tausend Dank an alle Unterstützer des...

Tausend Dank an alle Unterstützer des Projektes. Wir freuen uns, dass ihr an unser Projekt teilhabt und an uns glaubt.Nun geht es los. :-D

1/9/13 - Noch 4 Tage. Bald wird es ernst. Wir freuen uns...

Noch 4 Tage. Bald wird es ernst. Wir freuen uns riesig über die zahlreiche Unterstützung. Vielen Dank.Nun fehlt noch ein kleines Stück.Tianlin & Kim

1/4/13 - Noch 9 Tage und wir haben die Summe fast voll,...

Noch 9 Tage und wir haben die Summe fast voll, es fehlt nur noch ein Stück.We need your support. Helft mit. Vielen Dank.Dein Coming and going Team

12/24/12 - Wir wünschen allen schöne Weihnachten und...

Wir wünschen allen schöne Weihnachten und freuen uns über jedes weitere Sponsoring und jede weitere Spende.Liebe Grüßedas Coming and going Team

12/17/12 - Hallo ihr Lieben,wir freuen uns sehr, dass...

Hallo ihr Lieben,wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir mit der Finanzierung soweit gekommen sind, aber noch ist es nicht geschafft.Helft uns die 100% voll zu bekommen. Für bisherige Unterstützung und Interesse an unserem Dokumentarfilm vielen vielen Dank.Liebe GrüßeKim

12/13/12 - Ein Bericht über uns beim WDR Lokalzeit. Viel...

Ein Bericht über uns beim WDR Lokalzeit. Viel Spaß beim anschauen.

12/2/12 - Hallo zusammen,besucht uns auch auf facebook,...

Hallo zusammen,besucht uns auch auf facebook, um regelmässige Updates zu bekommen.

11/26/12 - Vielen Dank für die erste Unterstützung....

Vielen Dank für die erste Unterstützung. :-DHeute besprechen sich Regie, Kamera und Produktion...Wir halten euch auf den Laufenden.Liebe GrüßeKim

11/7/12 - Chris Caliman wird die Kamera übernehmen....

Chris Caliman wird die Kamera übernehmen. Einige Arbeiten von ihm kann man hier sehen:

Documentary "Coming and going"
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