Crowdfunding since 2010

We will record a CD with a programme about the in between - a dimension within which resides freedom, dissolution of limits, and a spirit of departure

Between day and night. Between dream and reality. Between you and me. What is this ‘in-between’? Space? Time? Possibility? What lies outside the in-between seems confined, within this dimension, though, resides freedom, dissolution of limits, and a spirit of departure.
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Funding period
12/6/21 - 3/3/22
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,500 €

This funding will enable us to realise the recording and publication of our programme as a CD and on streaming service

Frankfurt am Main
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3,988 €

39 Supporter

Thilo Dahlmann
Thilo Dahlmann
Carolin Pause
Carolin Pause
Christina Merkel-Pavone
Christina Merkel-Pavone
Dorotea Pavone
Dorotea Pavone
Dorotea Pavone
Dorotea Pavone
Pauliina Tukiainen
Pauliina Tukiainen
Thomas Heyer
Thomas Heyer
Jolana Slavikova
Jolana Slavikova
Paula Richter
Paula Richter
Marcel Brunner
Marcel Brunner
Samantha Gaul
Samantha Gaul
anonymous supports: 11
da.zwischen - in between

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