Crowdfunding since 2010

This picture book unifies us all: We eat, we have our needs and we do a number two! Highly regarding our faeces as reusable material.

The trilingual (de/es/en) children's book by Dominik Blöchl with pictures by Horacio Pelayo addresses the forgotten circular economy on 50 color pages: children should once again see themselves as part of the cycle of nature, as part of the reinforcing big picture! On top of that, an alternative toilet culture will learn to value our excreta as recyclables! The story aims to clear up the still-taboo issue of "pooh". Also, the word HUMUS shall flourish and shine anew!
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Funding period
10/22/22 - 12/18/22
Until the end of 2022!
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 11,358 €

The money is used for printing & binding the first edition (1500 pcs), taxes, rewards & shipping. More money will increase the print run (3000 pcs) & reach.

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Primary sustainable development goal
Life on land

What is this project all about?

English subtitles available in the video (click CC)!

Version Español (PDF Download)
¡Subtítulos en Español disponibles en el video (click CC)!

German Version of the Website

How can we break with the taboo of the most natural thing in the world and rediscover its value for our soils? "Dominik Blöchl, author of the children's book of the same name, says "What must, that must! With the help of this book, young and old alike can become true circular-flow heroes! Together, we can rediscover the connections from "on the plate" to "back in the ground". Because only together can a sustainable transformation succeed! With a lot of wit and charm, the topic of the nutrient turnaround becomes understandable even for our youngest readership. The fertility of our soils is our inheritance to the future and thus the basis of life for future generations. A clean cause all around!

Shout Out to all circular, soil and sustainability heros: You can help support this inspiring work in the Startnext crowdfunding campaign starting October 22, 2022 (for about 4 weeks)!

Unser Boden, unser Erbe, documentary film, Germany 2019, by Marc Uhlig

you don't know shit!, nonprofit organization advocating for a shift toward a circular wastewater system


"We humans, even those who live in cities, can become "beneficial organisms" again by integrating ourselves into various nature-based cycles instead of just flushing everything down the drain. [...] It's about showing children and especially their parents how we don't leave behind an ecological footprint that is as small as possible, but how we shape our lives to create a footprint that is as green-blue, healthy, oxygen-charged, lush and vital as possible for all living things, and that with every step!"

Barbara Graf, AUTarcaMatricultura, Autonomous Academy of Permaculture

"What one person produces in humus forms the basis to feed two people. So we are not too many people on this planet, but too many who are not integrated into the natural processes of change."

Erich Graf, AUTarcaMatricultura, Autonomous Academy of Permaculture


"The fertility of our soils defines the future viability of our society. Food security, climate change mitigation, resource building - it's all in your daily poop."

finizio. future sanitation


When the early Roman cities were still built around a harvest temple as the center of life and when the Egyptian Osiris was still the great, unlimitedly creative humus god, symbolized under the sacred scarab, it would have been infinitely easier than at present to make this spiritual conversion comprehensible to the peoples. Not that the man of today would be in principle less believing! But the instincts have been lost to him very noticeably to believe the right thing from his own soul.

So he prefers to believe unchecked mass slogans supplied by others - but in the end he believes them no less unbreakably and generally also no less uncritically than the forefather believed in his salvation- or calamity-bringing demons.

Thus, in the high tide of mass slogans, a powerful slogan is also necessary for the renewal of humus. It is: "Through more consumption more fertility!".

Think about it: Up to now, exactly the opposite happened. The greater consumption grew, the greater the loss of humus and the greater the erosion.

So now, through a complete reorganization of the whole problem, the liability must be transformed into an asset. This is done by bringing in the waste of human needs as a substitute for humus.

Page 607 f. of Annie Francé-Harrar (1950) Page 607 f. of Annie Francé-Harrar (1950).

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The story is written, the pictures drawn by Horacio Pelayo. Now it's time to print and deliver the approx. 50 pages strong book. So give the project a hand if you can. It is worth it!

The target group is children from 3 years, kindergartens, forest kindergartens, daycare centers, libraries, schools and all others who are attracted to the idea of the cycle!

Why would you support this project?

Since we are all embedded in the cosmic circulatory system (which is often forgotten), the topic of "fertile soils" naturally is of concern to everyone! Especially those who are involved in healthy nutrition.

Especially children should be taught this knowledge, so that they can later decide for themselves how much they want to help shape a virtual or real world!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money will be used for printing and binding the first edition (1500 copies), taxes, thank-you gifts and shipping. Further money will increase the print run to 3000 copies, thus dropping the unit price and increasing the reach of this important message. The trilingual concept aims of course at a wide distribution in Europe. If there is a great demand, we are for shure also thinking about a new edition in three additional languages!

Here is a complete transparent breakdown of costs for download.

Who are the people behind the project?

Was muss, das muss! - Team

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Life on land

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

SDG15 zielt ja genau auf das Thema „Humusaufbau“ ab, das jedoch im SDG noch auf rein pflanzlichen Kompost beschränkt wird. Hier geht es natürlich darum, auch menschliche Ausscheidungen wieder an den Punkt zu bringen, dass sie mit in den Zyklus eingebracht werden können. Finizio (Future Sanitation) zeigt bereits, dass es möglich ist, zudem wird eine Änderung unserer Essgewohnheiten sicherlich zu qualitativem Humus beitragen!

This project also pays toward those goals

Zero hunger
"Das integrieren von Kreisläufen kommt erst in letzter Zeit wieder ins Bewusstsein. Da geht's um ganz große Themen wie Leben und Sterben!"
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The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

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11/18/22 - Dear people! We have almost reached the start...

Dear people! We have almost reached the start level! THANKS TO YOUR AMAZING HELP!!! If we fall below that, the crowdfunding won't happen. That's why we still need a small amount - it will be tight in the 4 remaining days. That's why we extend the crowdfunding for 30 more days and try to do some additional advertising, also in Spain and England. We try to aim for the large edition of 3000 books. If someone of you still has resonating contacts, keep'em coming! What must be, must be! - Humus


finizio - future Sanitation

Trockentoiletten – Trenntoiletten – Komposttoiletten. Die Fruchtbarkeit unserer Böden definiert die Zukunftsfähigkeit unserer Gesellschaft. Finizio veredelt menschliche Ausscheidungen zu fruchtbarer Erde – hygienisch, geruchsneutral und effizient.

Klos to nature

Hochwertige Komposttoiletten, die unsere Kunden lieben und die Umwelt schonen.


Unsere Vision: Die Welt braucht den Wandel!
Alle unsere Entscheidungen und Handlungen sollen dem Wohle der Erde, dem Wohle der Menschen und dem Wohle der persönlichen Entwicklung dienen.


Wir wertschätzen das Engagement von Bauern, die Fruchtbarkeit unserer Böden dauerhaft zu erhalten und aufzubauen. Was sie tun hat gemeinnützigen Wert und verdient Verständnis und finanzielle Unterstützung aus der Gesellschaft.

Unser Boden, Unser Erbe

Dokumentarfilm Deutschland 2019 / 79 Minuten / Regie: Marc Uhlig. Der Dokumentarfilm zeigt, wie wichtig und zugleich extrem bedroht unsere Lebensgrundlage, der Boden ist.

UNDUNE - Dokumentarfilm

Undune ist ein Dokumentarfilm über eine Alternative für den Ort des täglichen Geschäfts: Anstatt unseren Mist mittels Trinkwassers aufwendig zu transportieren und dann zu zerstören, kann er in einen Wertstoff, Terra Preta, verwandelt werden.


Goldeimer setzt sich für den weltweiten Zugang zu Klos und für eine nachhaltige Sanitärwende ein. Seit 2013 sind sie unterwegs, um aus der Nährstoff-Einbahnstraße wieder einen Kreislauf zu machen. »Alle für Klos! Klos für alle!«

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