Crowdfunding since 2010

This picture book unifies us all: We eat, we have our needs and we do a number two! Highly regarding our faeces as reusable material.

The trilingual (de/es/en) children's book by Dominik Blöchl with pictures by Horacio Pelayo addresses the forgotten circular economy on 50 color pages: children should once again see themselves as part of the cycle of nature, as part of the reinforcing big picture! On top of that, an alternative toilet culture will learn to value our excreta as recyclables! The story aims to clear up the still-taboo issue of "pooh". Also, the word HUMUS shall flourish and shine anew!
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Funding period
10/22/22 - 12/18/22
Until the end of 2022!
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 11,358 €

The money is used for printing & binding the first edition (1500 pcs), taxes, rewards & shipping. More money will increase the print run (3000 pcs) & reach.

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Life on land

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