Crowdfunding since 2010

debut release 'Seinsliebe' - love of being. Music for personal development, transformation, self-healing and empowerment.

Music is medicine. It is my favourite tool for personal development. I use it to support self-healing processes. This means transformation and joy to me and this it what I want to spread into the world. My songs are guiding deep inside, far into the universe and connect with the power of the elements. Your funding makes my biggest dream come true. To publish my first music LP 'Seinsliebe' which means the love of being.
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Funding period
12/9/21 - 2/23/22
I'm already on it
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 4,401 €

Realizing my debut album and paying all the people involved.

Bad Herrenalb
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What is this project all about?

Last year I decided to go the way of self development. And with this decision my first songs came to me. It felt like an activation, a remembering that singing and making music is an important purpose of my life. Since then I work with medicine music guiding ceremonies for self-healing and self-love. This is my greatest joy. Now I feel that the time is come to share my music with the world. That is why I want to publish my album.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

With my music I want to contribute to the posivite shift on this planet. My songs are meant to be more than a joyful listening experience. My intention ist to touch hearts and lead into transformative processes. They are little journeys inside, connecting to the power of the elements, inspiring to reveal your potential and feel your connection to the Oneness. It is written to encourage the listeners to make their dreams come true.

Why would you support this project?

I deeply believe in the power of community. Crowdfunding does not primarily mean collecting money. With your support, you become part of the Felidaya family. It is you making all the emotions, experiences and transformative processes possible. In addition you make it possible that I truly become a musican - which includes publishing an album <3

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Your money enables the publishing of my first album:

* paying my lovely producer Ruben
* travelling expenses
* gifts for my guest musicians
* stuff and cost of the crowdfunding Goddies
* CD printing
* art- & creativework (cover, booklet, songbook)
* gifts to all the people supporting me

If you give more than the basic funding, I will invest in everything I need to be able to give concerts:

* pick-up guitar
* amplifier with batterie, so that I can give concerts outside in nature
* a Loop Station, so that I can play my songs with backings and full sound
* music onstruments (I dream of a kalimba), to make my music even more beautiful

I am looking forward!!!

Who are the people behind the project?

Felidaya - that's me, Marlene. I am a tranformative guide und have chosen to follow my path of personal development, potential revelation and deep joy. And on this path I love to accompany other people. I feel deeply connected to Yoga, progessive education and shamanism. Music is essential for my work. It is guiding me through ceremonies and self-healing processes. She is my connection to my intuition and the source energy.

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2/15/22 - 432 Hz - Musik die mit Mutter Erde schwingt...

432 Hz - Musik die mit Mutter Erde schwingt

Mein Album "Seinsliebe" schwingt in 432 Herz. Warum ist das so besonders?

Töne, die auf 432 Schwingungen pro Sekunde basieren, wirken sehr harmonisch auf den Körper, unterstützen die Synchronisation der Gehirnhälften und fördern den gesunden Zellstoffwechsel.

Seit etwa 80 Jahren ist Musik in dieser Frequenz bei uns quasi ausgestorben. Denn 1939 wurde der Kammerton A = 440 Hz als Standard für unsere westliche Musik festgelegt.

Die Frequenz von Mutter Erde ist 8 Hz. Unser Planet Erde 8-mal in der Sekunde pulsiert. Wissenschaftlich wird diese natürliche Erdschwingung als Schumann-Resonanz bezeichnet. Da 432 ein Vielfaches von 8 ist, sind wir mit der Erdschwingung "im Einklang", wenn wir Musik hören, die auf 432 Hz basiert.

Felidaya medicinemusic
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