Crowdfunding since 2010

Final phase of shooting We are an independent film-collective working on a coming-of-age action thriller with a feminist approach

Clara lives underground with her mother, who is wanted by the police. When they are blackmailed into committing robberies, Clara's rebellion is the only way out. As a film collective, we shoot a coming-of-age action thriller with feminist and aestetic aspirations. Our goal is to participate in several film festivals in 2022. Thanks to our crowdfunding supporters, we were able to shoot two thirds of the film already. With your help we will finally finish the film!
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Funding period
5/17/21 - 6/20/21
spring 2020 till end 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 10,000 €

The minimum of our expenses for the final shooting block. We manage to realize the final shooting block on the first-class level we all wish for.

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