Crowdfunding since 2010
Inspired by „Warped Passages“, Hèctor Parra composed a chamber opera together with Harvard physicist Lisa Randall : the work deals with hidden universes, the existential urge to research as well as our boundaries of understanding and interdependencies in the so-called real world. Now Zafraan Ensemble presents the staged world premiere of HYPERMUSIC PROLOGUE, directed by Benjamin Schad . In addition, this exceptional production shall be documented on film.
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Funding period
9/19/13 - 11/1/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
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What is this project all about?

When the extra-dimensional space is undetectable in front of our eyes, are we at least able to sense it acoustically? With the libretto of HYPERMUSIC PROLOGUE, Lisa Randall draws on her popular science books, in which she attempts to make the five-dimensional hyper space more accessible to the layperson.

Content of the play
The central figure is a scientist, torn between her love for her partner and her passion for theoretical physics. In the course of the opera, she finds herself immersed in the fifth dimension, while her partner remains tied to normal space-time. Hèctor Parra found a sensual and energetic musical language for this material, enabling the listener to experience the complex hyper reality both emotionally and intellectually through the use of psycho-acoustic effects. Thus, the audience is taken on an oftentimes bizarre and absurd journey, which offers not only points of contact with parallel worlds, but also access to a unique inner experience.

Performances and introduction
/ Sophiensaele Berlin: 4, 5 and 6 October 2013, 8 pm
/ Gare du Nord Basel: 16, 17 and 18 October 2013, 8 pm
/ Instituto Cervantes Berlin, 1 October 2013, 8 pm: Introduction with Hèctor Parra, Elena Mendoza, Enno Poppe and Prof. Stefan Koelsch (Free entrance, with simultaneous interpreting)

Cast and contributors
Benjamin Schad (Direction), Tobias Flemming (Stage, Costumes), Aron Kitzig (Light, Video), Joshua Wicke (Dramaturgy), Manuel Nawri (Musical Direction), Johanna Greulich (Soprano), Robert Koller (Baritone), Zafraan Ensemble, Wolfgang Heiniger und Hadas Pe'ery (Electronics), Clemens Hund-Göschel und Sebastian Solte (Production)

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The main goal is to make this extraordinary production possible.

In addition to the six performances of HYPERMUSIC PROLOGUE in Berlin and Basel in October 2013, we would like to capture and document this elaborate production on film in high quality.

Our project is aimed at basically everyone interested in contemporary music, electronic music, innovative opera and theatre, theoretical physics, play of thoughts and psychology. The documentation on film shall also benefit those who do not have the opportunity to visit one of the rare performances.

Why would you support this project?

To make it short: HYPERMUSIC PROLOGUE is an exceptional piece of music theatre, which might open up new dimensions of outer and inner perception for the audience, as well as access to supposedly inapprehensible theories.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The major amount of the opera’s production costs are already covered, thanks to our co-producers Gare du Nord and Sophiensaele, as well as our sponsors Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, Spanische Botschaft Berlin, Fachausschuss Musik BS/BL, Ernst Göhner Stiftung and Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank. Another source will be the expected entrance fees for the performances.

Nevertheless, a small funding gap of about 2,500 € remains, which shall be covered through this crowdfunding initiative. Furthermore, there are no means to finance the documentation on film yet. Therefore, the remaining 2,500 € is to cover the lending fees for the four cameras, the camera crew’s fees and editing. The soloists, the ensemble musicians and the production team do not receive a fee for the film documentation.

Who are the people behind the project?

The non-profit association Zafraan Ensemble e.V. and the production team of HYPERMUSIC PROLOGUE.


Legal notice
Zafraan Ensemble e.V.
Sebastian Solte
Gustav-Adolf-Straße 146a
13086 Berlin Deutschland
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